Monday 5 November 2018

Mum's Monday: Calamity Jane (1953)

This film is certainly a musical, it starts off on a fast paced musical note. Doris Day, who plays Calamity jane, her acting could be better or this film is just showing its age. I would not have initially picked Doris Day to play the role of Calamity Jane if this film was made now in 2018.

When booking an act, it is important to know whether it is male or female, preferably before you advertise the act. It is amusing to see how they get over the dilemma.

It looks like Calamity Jane is off to Chicago, but it also looks like her exaggerated lies are about to catch up with her.

The mission, well was almost accomplished. You can’t blame Calamity Jane; she can only go on what she sees and has been told. I do wander how it will all turn out, but this is good to keep you watching

It is lovely to see Katie Brown (Allyn McLerie) being given a chance. It seems the towns folk just want to be entertained and they like what they see and hear.

It is also lovely to see Katie has a good influence on Calamity Jane and on her cabin. The cabin and Jane get a makeover to the extent she is unrecognizable but pretty and the cabin is homelier.

I love the subtle but big reveal of Calamity Jane at the Ball. The way she turns heads and gets people questioning is well done to make it no big deal, when it is.

Just like the beginning when I said the role didn’t fit Doris Day it seems now Calamity Jane doesn’t fit Calamity Jane with Katie’s influence Jane is becoming more like the role was meant for Doris Day to play it.

It looks like when casting they were looking to the end result, not where Jane came from but where she ends up.

Jane said during the film that she never had nice things, which could be looked at as the nurture part of nature versus nurture and now by the end with a little nurturing nature is winning.

Nature versus nurture means the difference between what likeness we inherit from our parents and nurture is what influences our surroundings have on us, whether it be our status in life, where we live and the people we mix with. These can affect our life styles in many ways.

And after hearing what is said in the film, I agree, no life will not be dull with Calamity Jane.

The songs are well done and make the film the great film it is.

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