Sunday 31 January 2016

Layers - Part 14

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' website:



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Saturday 30 January 2016

The Watch – Part 45:

The fire died out, the smoke cleared and the air thinned. All that was left was mangled metal and a huge scorch mark inside a crater which surrounded it. It was a sight for sore eyes. I’ve never seen anything quite like it before in my life. There wasn’t a single scratch on me. I was breathing heavily as the adrenaline flowed faster than ever through my body.

The rumbling in the air as the echoes bounced back slowly and eventually faded away, leaving me in silence, but was quickly cut short by a low thumping sound as if a pair of mechanical rotors were making their way towards me.

I looked straight ahead and saw a helicopter was flying near where I hovered, with none other than Sebastian sitting in the driver’s seat. The helicopter itself was just an ordinary civilian one with no attachments on the wings such as missiles or a machine gun on the front. Sebastian must have climbed into that helicopter whilst I was unconscious, there was no way that he would have snuck past me afterwards.

I am asking the question why is he now in a helicopter? Is he trying to run away? Well, if that was the case, he wouldn’t have turned back to talk to me. As much as I want to disbelieve it, but I think that Sebastian has yet another plan hidden up his sleeve. What more can he do? I’ve beaten everything that he has thrown at me. Surely he must be running out of resources by now. Dare I say that I am actually quite amazed at how he is able to keep going even after so many defeats. Amazed for all the wrong reasons, of course.

He came to stop and hovered. I saw him push a button and he began talking over the microphone, his voice was amplified, just like it was back at his base, but the rotors made his voice have a bit of disturbance in between each syllable.

‘You continue to surprise me,’ he said with clear hatred in his voice. He has lost all motivation to smile and laugh. He was now running on pure hate. ‘I thought I had finally defeated you, and yet here you are, hovering over the corpse of my dead robot.’

‘If you didn’t get the message before, this should defiantly spell it out to you now,’ I shouted as loud as I could over the noise of the helicopter’s rotors.

‘This does leave me in a sticky situation, yes,’ Sebastian said thoughtfully, ‘but not to worry,’ I knew it. ‘Just because you’ve proven yourself worthy of defeating my most powerful robot, doesn’t mean you are strong or fast enough to take out every single one of them. They are in many different places right now, ready to take out all the stadiums at once.’ I couldn’t help but ask myself why he didn’t just start with those robots before instead of using his small robots, but I guessed he never actually wanted to use his big robots for that specific job, only as a way of ferrying the much smaller robots from one place to another rather quickly.

This is something incredible indeed. How am I going to get from one place to another in such a short period of time? I will have to increase my speed to an unfathomable level if I even want to get a couple, but to stop and destroy each one in turn, that’s practically impossible. In fact, there’s nothing practical about it, it is actually impossible. The only way I am going to destroy all those robots is to do so all at once, and this watch is powerful, but I don’t think I will be able to be in many different places at once and destroy all those robots at once within the time.

Then I was hit by a massive brainwave. A plan formulated in my head, and I smiled that smile that told Sebastian that I was about to do the impossible. I didn’t let him react in time. I reached for my watch and punched in the necessary coordinates and the time that I will be travelling back to. I figured about fifteen minutes would suffice. I hit the button and I was taken from one place to another, via the Space-Time continuum. It was a short trip and didn’t affect me in the slightest.

It was a case of waiting fifteen minutes before making my move. I wasn’t worried about all the stadiums being destroyed because my plan was going to work. There was no reason for it not to. My plan to be in many different places at once is to travel back in time to fifteen minutes before each robot turned up to each stadium and then destroy it. The way this was going to work focused on solely on time travel. I am going to destroy this robot, but at the same time, all the other robots are going to destroy all the other stadiums as well, but once I’ve defeated this one, I can then travel once more into the past by fifteen minutes as well as travel to the other stadium and take out that robot as well. Then repeat the plan over and over until each robot had been defeated. That way, I would have successfully destroyed all the robots at once by being in many different places at the same time. Which means, going by that logic, the moment I thought of that plan, I had already successfully completed it because it all took place in the past. So, after the final robot has been defeated, I can then return to Sebastian, who shall then proceed to surrender. Although I have a feeling that’s not going to happen so easily.

I heard loud footsteps coming from over afar and saw the robot’s head peek above the horizon. It came closer and closer rather fast because of its very long strides. When I was satisfied that it was far enough away from any civilisation and from the stadium itself, I made my move.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' website:



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Friday 29 January 2016

Random Topic Generator: A Brilliant Animation Video

Jacksepticeye Animated | JACK GOES TO SPACE!
By Jacksepticeye

I was going to hold this video until next Wednesday when I do the usual ‘… Of the Week’ article, but this is such a great little animation, I have to share it with you now.

The original video saw Jack playing Universe Sandbox 2, which is a simulation game where you can mess around with the solar system. Change the mass of the planets, smash various sized meteorites into the earth to see what damage they would cause, create your own solar system with many different celestial objects, and even delete the sun so you can watch our planet fly away into the distance, the possibilities are out of this world (pardon the pun).

Jack being Jack, anything involving smashing things into other things, he’s all over and that usually make one heck of a funny video.

Sometimes, after Jack has made one of these types of videos, a fan makes an animation about it. They are usually a condensed version of the video which sees the animated version of Jack re-enact the events of the video with the audio being the same, or put Jack in a different situation instead but still keeping with the original audio. This video, sees Jack teaching a class about how the solar system works. You may have to watch the original video first in order to help you understand the context of it all, is all I’m saying, but it does work on its own if you haven’t.

The animation is cute and the way he walks is even cuter. Pixlpit made a fantastic video. The visuals are crisp, the directing is superb; overall it’s an amazing video.

Below are the two links which will take you to the original and the animation video, both of which are on Jacksepticeye’s channel:



Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' website:



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Wednesday 27 January 2016

… Of the Week: 27th January – 3rd February 2016

Film of the Week:

The Internship

Exploring the topic of technology going from monologue to digital is not a new thing. Technology is continually developing, and will never stop. Books have made the leap to digital with the introduction of the Kindle, CDs are almost completely brought on iTunes, so you will always have them stored on your hard drive, on your phone or iPod so that you can listen to any music on the go, and, as this film explores, watches. At the beginning of the film, John Goodman’s character, who is uncredited, says that nobody wants a watch anymore as they now go for their phone instead. That is a fair point considering everyone that I know do check the time via their phone instead of a watch, but call me old fashioned, but I do still have a watch attached to my wrist. I have done for years and I don’t see myself taking it off… until it stops working for various reasons, but then I’ll just get a new one. Now, I know that watches aren’t dying out as rapidly as this film may first suggest – in fact they’re still going incredibly strong – but it is a prime example of how many pieces of technology have made the transition from monologue to digital.

On the other hand, the Apple Watch is a good example when it comes to keeping things the same, but totally different. You can do a lot of things with that watch: browse the internet, play music, send texts, and even tell the time. CDs aren’t technically going to go away entirely, neither are films for that matter, because they are finding other ways of adapting to the digital age.

The Internship focuses on two salesmen, Billy McMahon and Nick Campbell (played by Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson), whose careers have taken a hit as the digital age continuous to grow, and they find themselves out of a job. Before they realised this, however, they were trying to sell monologue watches. The company that they work for has been forced to close their doors because they are not doing as much business as they were before. So, what do they do? Well, they go and get another job. Sounds simple enough. But where? They are a couple of 40 something men who don’t have a clue how a computer works because they had no need to use one before, so all they can do is go somewhere else.

By having a brainwave, Billy gets them both a job interview at one of the leading companies in the world, Google. Obviously, for comedic effect they stumble through their interviews, play havoc with the system and try and talk their way through every test, but in the end they do come out on top. They have gone from someone who didn’t know a thing about computers to being potentially, expects. There are some good morals that the film portrays throughout that I’m sure you’ll be able to pick up on if you watch it.

As well as the society and moral side of the film, overall it is a funny and intelligent film with great writing, directing, and most importantly of all, acting. It does have a lot of technobabble throughout, but you learn about all that stuff as and when the characters do. As well as us learning about technology, the other characters are learning about the outside world as well. All they have to do is look up and see the wonders that is all around them. You could say that this has two stories running opposite one another: When one is learning about the digital age, the other is learning about the monologue age, which is a great way of saying that we need both ages to keep things balanced instead of unintentionally unknowingly becoming succumbed by the screen.

Of course, it’s hard to say how much of the film is actually artistic licensing when it comes to training to become an employee at Google, but that doesn’t matter as it adds to the comedic value and certain serious tones it has here and there.

And that is why I recommend this film to you this week.

You can view the IMDB page here:

TV Program of the Week

Legends of Tomorrow – Series 1 – Pilot: Part 1

First, there was the Arrow, then there was the Flash, and now we have Legends of Tomorrow. This show does depend on you needing to know who the characters are to fully understand exactly what is going on and why it is happening, but other than that this is an awesome show through and through, epic from the very beginning.

Rip Hunter (played by Arthur Darvill) is a Time Master who goes rogue to stop the evil immortal Vandal Savage. He assembles a team of heroes to travel in time with to stop Vandal from taking over the world.

That’s it. There is nothing else that I can say without spoiling it. This show is too awesome to give any more information away. Sure, the whole point of this article is to explain why I recommend this to you, but by saying that I can’t explain why because it would be giving any spoilers away is in itself, a recommendation, paradoxically speaking. You have to watch it for yourself.

You can view the IMDB page here:

Game of the Week

YGOPRO Automated Dueling System

Yu-Gi-Oh is a popular anime series that follows a boy named Yugi Moto and his friends as they save the world from evil forces. The series lasted for 5 series with a total of 224 episodes. Each series went bigger than the one before, which only drew us in even more. After the original series ended, there have been four main spin-offs since, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds, Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal, and Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V. Each spin-off followed a new character, added new elements to the world as well as added new cards to the game. To defeat any evil that threatens to destroy the world, they must duel to see who is best, and when they duel, the play a card game which is full of Monsters, Spell, and Traps.

Branching off from the anime, the card game became a reality and is now one of the most popular card game in the world. If you haven’t heard of it, I unfortunately cannot explain how it works as it would take up several pages to do so. If you would like to know how Yu-Gi-Oh works, I will direct you to the Wikipedia page here:

YGOPRO is a great way to test out your latest deck for tournaments or just to have a casual game with your friends. Duelling Network is the number one place to go and duel, but it does have its problems and YGOPRO fixes those problems and that is why it is quickly becoming just as popular, if not the more preferred place to go and duel online. Whilst Duelling Network simulates playing the game as if you were doing so on an actual table top, because it is completely manual, the complexity of the game itself can lead to some confusions, especially if you are a beginner, which can ruin your experience of playing the game. YGOPRO on the other hand, is one hundred percent automated. Everything is done for you, which is a great way to learn how the game works, and not having to worry about if you are playing the wrong card as it simply won’t let you if the conditions aren’t met yet.

As well as duelling online with your friends, you can duel with the computer as well, which never lets up. It will always do what it can to stop you, and most of the time it will. It’s difficult and unrelenting, which is the perfect way to really get your teeth into the game and test out new decks. It has every single card in the entire game, and unlike most Yu-Gi-Oh games, you don’t have to work your way up from the beginning to unlock the more powerful cards, you will have the privilege of having every single card already for you to pick and add to your decks, which you can have an unlimited amount of as well. But the feature that won me over wasn’t having every card unlocked right from the word go, it was the fact that not only do you get every single card that is available in the game, but you also get to choose from any card that appeared in the anime as well. A couple of reasons why certain cards from the anime hasn’t been implemented into the real-world game yet is because they are either too powerful, broken, or (usually) both. With YGOPRO, you can get to have those cards in your deck and your opponent won’t know what hit them.

I might be a little over enthusiastic, but it is a great game. Actually, I lied, having anime-only cards wasn’t the feature that won me over. The feature that tempted me to go from Duelling Network to YGOPRO is the fact that it is totally and always will be FREE. There is a new update every month or two, which will give you all the latest cards that have been released, and new a new deck(s). I highly recommend you give this game a go.

You can download the game here:

Video of the Week

Suicide Squad – Official Trailer 1 (HD)

The trouble with trailers nowadays is that they give away far too much of the film. It practically tells the entire story of the film is two minutes, which isn’t the best way to get people to come see your film because they would have already seen it. Batman Vs Superman is the latest film to fall into this trap.

Refreshingly, the trailer for Suicide Squad didn’t do any of that. In the span of two and a half minutes, it gives away just enough to get you to want to see the film. Not only that, but the editing is what makes this trailer stand out among the rest, in my opinion. The entire trailer is perfectly sculptured around the song Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, beat by beat. This trailer does exactly what a trailer is supposed to do, advertise the film, not give all the major plot points away.

Now, it’s fair to say that it may fall into the other trap of the trailer being much better than the film, but personally, I don’t think that is going to be the case. The actors and actresses appear to be doing each character justice, especially Margot Robbie who plays Harley Quinn. Will Smith plays Deadshot, Cara Delevingue plays the Enchantress, and Jai Courtneu plays Captain Boomerang, among others. The Joker does make an appearance played by Jared Leto, who appears to be having a ball with the character.

Overall, I am going to go and see this film when it comes out on the 5th August. I may even do an article about it when it comes out. After all, how many times do you get to see the bad guys save the world.

You can watch the trailer here:

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' website:



SkyCat Publications:

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Tuesday 26 January 2016

The Watch – Part 44:

I know not all the answers about what happened just now. Interface explained that I was inside the actual watch due to my losing consciousness. He explained that I could simply think myself awake and I will snap out of the watch and be conscious once more, and that is exactly what happened, but it happened so fast, I had to stop and adjust to the sudden everything that came at me at once.

I stood up and not wanting to waste time by getting the answers about what had just happened, I focused every ounce of energy I have left in my body to accomplishing my mission, which is to destroy Sebastian’s army and arrest him for the crimes he has committed.

I climbed out of the crater that the giant robot had forced me into and spun around on my heels, looking for any signs as to where that enormous robot had gotten to. It was as tall as the skyscraper that was still standing firm behind me, so I can’t see how it would have gotten away so fast.

Sebastian must have left the building as he would have spotted me standing on the edge of the crater by now and would have spoken to me. There is a strong possibility that he has left along with the robot, but the other equally strong possibility that he is just focusing on something else and just haven’t noticed me yet.

Before I do anything, I have to increase my strength for the third time. I quadrupled my strength from what I had before, which means I have increased my strength by six times from the first time I fought one of those robots back at the arena. I wasn’t sure how strong I will have to be to defeat those giant robots, but the power that flowed through me was intense. There’s no feeling like it. To the outside world, I still look like a skinny weakling, but secretly I have the strength of many men, possibly men Hulks combined, but I cannot be sure at the moment. Whatever the comparison, I now am so strong, I instinctively knew that I would be able to pick up a car with only one of my fingers – probably my pinkie if I think about it.

I smiled to myself as I thought, ‘I have more strength in my little finger than that robot does in his entire body.’ I really wasn’t sure whether that was true, but I had to believe it and that is all that matters. I increased my speed as well so that I would be able to move blindingly fast. According to my watch, my maximum speed is an even 1,000MPH, and that was good enough for me.

‘From the ashes of defeat,’ I said to myself, preparing myself for the climatic showdown, ‘rises a lone man. With determination beyond any other, strength that can crush mountains, speed that can rival that of jets, a hero is born. Defeating his enemies, saving the world, all in a day’s work for Sebastian Spencer,’ and I flew upwards, thinking that if I were to ever make another epic speech again, I should probably not.

I flew high into the air, reaching the top of the skyscraper in a matter of seconds. I felt the air being pushed out of the way as I soared upwards, coming to a stop. The hills surrounding me now looked like miniature bumps in the ground. And there it was, in the distance. The walking robot from afar. It was moving slowly but surely across the land, heading for a destination. I kicked off and soon I was flying forward towards it. The strength in my body allowed me to reach top speed within seconds. The land below me turned into a blur. I was nearing it, my speed creating the illusion of it standing still with one leg in the air. I pushed all the strength I could into my fists and readied for impact.

With precision, I flew straight through the robot’s tough armour as if it was made of cotton. I didn’t feel a thing as its armour buckled and broke into many pieces as I entered from the back, before exploding out through the front. I wasn’t sure how many important components I had ruptured, but flying straight through the middle was sure to make some kind of impact. I slowed to a halt, waiting for it to react. It was forced forwards before righting itself. The impact had surely weakened it and millions of sparks flew out in every direction. I went in for another attack, this time aiming higher. I struck once more, before swinging around for a third. It fell to its knees.

The sound was deafening. I wouldn’t be surprised if people on the other side of the world could hear it.

And then it exploded. The explosion was equally as loud, booming through the air, and due to its size, it was as if it was going in slow motion as the fireball burst free from the armour, reaching miles into the air, tearing apart the clouds. All of the electrical components sizzled and sparked, creating tiny pulses of electric bolts zooming through the smoke.

The robot was defeated.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' website:



SkyCat Publications:

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Monday 25 January 2016

Top Number: Top 4 Ghost Tours

By Guest writer, Sandra Hudson.

Ghosts are a subject matter that people either believe or not believe in. Many stories have been told over the years and credible people have been reported to say they have seen a ghost or 2 – or at least have had strange experiences that they cannot explain in with a logical explanation. As more and more stories have been reported over the years, the believers have created a market to be either fascinated or spooked, or if you don’t believe you can try to become a reformed sceptic, however you want to see things. For those that do believe in the paranormal, these tours serve as a great way to find out more about strange happenings.

Below, are four ghost tours that give you a wide range of stories, some unique and some common but with a distinctive twist.

Number 4:

Colchester Ghost Tour

This tour departs from the town hall every first Thursday of each month
This tour is informative and well thought out. The tour guide is sometimes theatrical in his storytelling, but the stories are interesting. They range from haunted pubs to a haunted toilet in a restaurant. You also get to go into the Red Lion Hotel where you may feel a cold spot or 2 yourself.

This tour needs to be pre-booked and a fee is charged

Number 3:

Ipswich Gemini Ghost Tours

This tour departs from the tourist information centre every first Thursday of the month

This tour will take you to where 2 business buildings standing side by side, which are said to be haunted and there were 2 different approaches to the claims of activity: One embraced the haunting and the other was a sceptic. On the tour, you will see a pub where a bad man is said to haunt one of the rooms upstairs, you will see a shop that is said to have a poltergeist and where businesses don’t stay long at that location. Also on the tour, although not necessarily about ghosts, you will hear stories of people spontaneously combusting.

There is an Ipswich ghost story book, which you can purchase, and you can buy tickets for this tour from the tourist information centre.

Number 2:

York Original Ghost Tour

This tour departs every night from the king’s Arms Pub, Ouse Bridge; “the pub that floods.”

This tour includes a story where a person has said to see a ghost jump from an upstairs window, paranormal activity at York minister itself, including strange sounds in the walls of the Minister, and a row of houses where a ghost activity is said to have been seen. This tour will also take you to the Clifford’s Tower, where it has been reported to have a series of strange stains on the walls, and the tour guide will explain of ghostly figures of children that has been seen roaming along a street.
There is a DVD you can purchase and this tour does not need to be booked but a fee is charged.

Number 1:

Hollywood dearly departed ghost tours

This tour departs from 6603 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, California

This tour is different from the rest as it includes the use of a headset so you can hear the tour guide, Rip, as he speaks into a microphone whilst escorting you through the streets of Hollywood so the background noises don’t interfere.

This tour takes you to a haunted pub, high school, and tells the story of who haunts the Hollywood sign. This is a fun tour and although the guide, Rip, is dressed as an Undertaker, the tour is informative, historic, and factual. The shop where the tour starts and finish from has newspaper reports and artefacts mentioned with added information about the ghost stories. Merchandise is available to buy, including books, T-shirts, and bags.

You have to pre- book this tour as a limited number are allowed and a fee is charged.

Thanks for reading

Antony Hudson's book is now available on Amazon, eBay, and the SkyCat Publications' website:



SkyCat Publications:

Ask me anything at:

Saturday 23 January 2016

The Watch – Part 43:

I was floating through nothingness. All around me, seemingly infinite darkness in every direction. I’m floating through it, yet at the very same time I was stationary. It took a while longer before I realised that I was conscious once more. But, if I am conscious again, I should be able to open my eyes, move my body, but I can’t do that. I have no physical connection to my body. I’m just a mind floating through nothing.

For the first time since the fight, I felt relaxed. No pain, no worries, just pure bliss. I wanted to smile, but I have no mouth to do so.

Am I back in the void, travelling from one Parallel Universe to another? Has the fight against to robots proven too much for me to handle and the watch is automatically sending me back home to where I belong?

Something’s in front of me, coming closer. A figure of some kind. It’s blurry to begin with, but soon focuses and I see who or what it is. A man, walking towards me, dressed in a suit, looking all serious. It took a second longer to realise that the man walking towards me is none other than Interface. I was incredibly confused beyond anything that I have ever experienced in my life.

Interface stops about a metre or so away from me and smiles a comforting smile that made me feel happy. He reaches out to me with his left arm and points at me. I watch him perform this weird dance with his hands before feeling something beyond describable. My body was growing into existence. First my head, then my neck and shoulders, then my torso and arms, followed shortly by my thighs and hands, then finally my legs and feet. I am myself once more. My feet touch something solid, even though there’s nothing there for me to stand on. Whatever it is, Interface must have placed it there so that we’re not floating away from each other.

‘How do you feel?’ Interface asked me. I wondered why he asked me that question considering that I am unable to speak, but I opened my mouth and distinguishable words came out.

‘I’m fine,’ I said simply in my normal voice. It wasn’t strained or weak from just appearing out of nowhere, but just felt plain normal. Interface nodded to indicate that he was satisfied with my answer.

‘Where am I?’ I asked. ‘Am I dead?’

‘You are not dead. You are in the watch,’ he said.

‘In the watch?’ I asked, screwing up my face with confusion. It felt awesome to have the ability to move the muscles in my face once more. It seems that any amount of time out of your body is enough to feel ecstatic when you finally get it back. This was a similar experience to travelling through the Void, but in some ways it’s nothing like it. Sure, both places I was just consciousness floating through a seemingly infinite nothing, but when I got my body back, I wasn’t weak as I were when I came out of the other end of the Void. Instead I actually felt refreshed and relaxed, as if I had an extremely good night’s sleep for just the right amount of hours without any distractions from anything from the outside world, on a brand new mattress that has never been used before, in an incredibly comfortable position that meant I didn’t wake up with a cramped muscle anywhere on my body.

‘When you were attacked by that robot, you were forced into unconsciousness, and whenever you do that and you are wearing the watch, you get transported here, where you are protected until your body wakes up,’ Interface explained.

‘So the watch made a backup of my subconscious for whenever I lose the use of my body,’ I said slowly, trying to understand everything that Interface is saying.

‘No,’ he said simply before explaining further, ‘you are in the watch. When you lose consciousness, you are transported here. You are not a backup.’ I think I can understand that. Anyway…

‘So what do I do to wake up, then?’ I asked.

‘You can either wait until you naturally wake up or you can wake up on your own accord,’ Interface said.

‘How do I do that?’

‘Use your will power. Think yourself awake and you will wake up.’

‘That sounds easy enough,’ I said, closing my eyes and imagining myself waking up. I felt my body disintegrate and I was back to being a floating consciousness (I was going to say orb, but I knew that I wasn’t any kind of physical object). I was back to feeling weird again, but this time I actually felt that my eyes were closed, even though I have no eyelids.

Then, suddenly, I was waking up in the crater. There was no explanation. It was just too quick for me to process it. All that happened was I imagined myself waking up and then I was.

But then came along the pain. It rolled all over me, intensifying with every second. The pain was so incredibly powerful that I nearly passed out again, but I wished not to slip back into unconsciousness. I willed myself to move and stand up and I was able to move my arms and legs, stretch them out. My body was weak and shaking each time I put my weight on them.

I reached for my watch and slowly but surely, scrolled through the many options until I found the healing factor. I increased the power level to the point where my body felt no pain at all. It just faded away as my body was slowly healed by the power of the watch. Soon, I was back to my normal-self. I stood up and stretched my body this way and that to free up my limbs as best I could. I felt no more pain and that was a huge relief.

This time, I am not going to lose the fight. I will not go down so easily as before.

It’s time to make my comeback…


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and the SkyCat Publications’ website:



SkyCat Publications:

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