Monday 20 May 2019

Mum's Monday: Don’t Forget the Driver (BBC Two)

The first episode, this is a brilliant idea for a series, high-lighting that when we happily book our coach day trip or holiday, we embark and go off and have fun/adventures, in this episode Dunkirk. I will personally now, just from this one/first episode not just look at the driver as just the driver/tour guide. If this was their intention, it has worked from the off. There is a life lesson that we shouls appreciate anyone in a job.

The second episode, this one first high-lights the mistakes that can be made when ordering from the internet. This is however, very funny to see. In this episode they are going to a ‘Donkey Sanctuary’. On the face of it, it is just going to a Donkey Sanctuary, but with using the link with a donkey and the Bible and the appeal that donkeys have to children this made for a clever mix of people on the coach. The singing was clever and well thought-out and as we see, something else the long suffering bus driver has to deal with. It all links together perfectly. It is good that this series shows there is more to being a bus driver than driving a bus, the things the driver has to deal with, all sorts.

The third episode, in this episode it shows that a bus driver has an eclectic mix of trips on his rota. In this one he is taking a group swimming. It is heart-warming to see that after Pete (Toby Jones) the bus driver keeps getting called by Pete’s twin brother’s name Barry (Also played by Toby Jones) by their mum, that Pete is recognised as Pete and is called by who he actually is, Pete.

The fourth episode, after a lovely day out at ‘Hampton Court Palace’ for a group of Japanese tourists, things take an unexpected turn of events. I don’t know how realistic this could be but they do say, and I have heard that fact/ real life can be stranger than fiction. This shows when you are the driver you can drive/ arrive almost anywhere.

The fifth episode, now that Barry has arrived in the UK from Australia. Pete takes the family on his coach trip to the model village in Babbacombe in Devon. This is not only an amusing, eventful but laid back episode the man with the camcorder gives the episode more depth.

In the sixth and last episode of the series, after a slow start but making the most of the ‘Bognor Beach Webcam’. It is heart-warming to see Pete’s car has been fixed. Pete is doing a school trip and yes it is portrayed as your normal stereotypical journey with a bunch of hyper school kids. In amongst that ‘Life is too short’ Rita (Luwam Teklizgi) is reunited with her brother and a romance, I hope is working out for Pete. This episode has a different feel to it than the others and taking the kids to the funeral was a nice idea. Also it is nice to see things going, I hope, right for Pete for a change, even if it does mean the tables have turned for the more thought off/ everything goes right for Barry.

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