Monday 28 October 2019

Mum's Monday: Fungus the Bogeyman

Based on the book by Raymond Briggs, this is a children’s program. It is amusing to watch the bogeymen go about their business. The script is brilliant, strange but relevant to what is happening.

As well as Bogeydom we are also getting to know the family above ground, it is unclear how or when the two will come together more so, the waiting is intriguing. The reaction to the sky is amusing, but what happens to the Reverend Jake Ruto (Jimmy Akingbola) ‘Isn’t really happening’. I like the idea of ‘Facefolding’ and how it is used to show that in this program it has infiltrated the world. It is brilliant to see how the newly formed bogey people are coping ‘Top side’ also known as ‘On the surface’. It is lovely to see Eve (Victoria Wood) help the family.

The second episode, now as we see in the first episode the family has moved out of the house next door to Daryl (Marc Warren) Wendy (Keeley Hawes) and Lucy (Fern Deacon) and now as the ‘Green’ family need somewhere to live, an empty house is ideal, well apart from being too clean. It seems Eve has a motive. The twist is clever. We see the ‘Green’ family still getting to grips with the human world, the use of bin day is interesting. The script again is really good and ‘Van’ it is nice to see has now got a job. Wendy, certainly has her work cut out when it comes to having ‘Bunny’ as a new member at the Leisure Centre.

In the third and final episode of this DVD, it is the day of the ‘Monster Party’. Before that back in the second episode, Fungus was caught as the Bogey man, but luckily Daryl thinks it is a costume, until, well, but whether he is believed or not is another question. We now see more and more of Eve being revealed. It is still good to see that she is still willing to help the ‘Green’ family, although she maybe after something for her own benefit. This is sad to see help equals a price. Who’d have thought ‘Bogeyman’ gas could be so powerful? Not me, but in this program it is. This episode is the most action packed of all three, the car, convoy, chase is amusing to watch. We don’t have the ‘Weapons of mass destruction’ but we do have and see the ‘Weapon ‘Of permanent facefold’ until a trip to the ‘King’ anyway. It is nice to see you can choose your friends and a few small things have changed but it could still just be a ‘Bump in the night’ or something else of course.

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