Wednesday 18 December 2019

Film of the Week: Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

Home Alone is a classic. What else can be said about it. There have been countless articles and videos about the film, explaining the many conspiracy theories surrounding it, the two most famous being Kevin’s Dad is a mob boss which explains how he’s able to afford the massive house for his large family, and a cameo appearance from the supposedly dead Kind of Rock, Elvis Presley. In depth analysis has been done regarding the many injuries the robbers sustained whilst trying to get inside the house, each concluding that they simply wouldn’t survive.

Home Alone has become a staple within our homes across the world. It’s a film people make time to sit down and watch with their family, to feel Christmassy once more, for another year. It’s a feel-good, family-friendly, Christmas film, what more does anyone want, especially when everyone is trying to fend off a food coma whilst sitting on the coach. Instead of getting into a heated argument over Monopoly, why not just sit down and watch Home Alone.

It’s my favourite Christmas film, and it shares the top spot with its sequel, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. Sure, the subtitle contradicts the main title, and the entire film sees Kevin nowhere near his home, so anyone’s point about it not being a Home Alone film is valid, I’ll give them that one, but it absolutely is a feel-good, family-friendly, Christmas Film. By putting the title aside, Home Alone 2 is a fantastic sequel, but it doesn’t try and change the formula. Same characters, same motivation, new character development, and new traps. When I was a kid, that’s all I wanted to watch the Home Alone films for, to see the traps, not because I have a lust for violence, but because the slapstick nature had my entire family roaring with laughter. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, as a kid, was amazing because it had more of what I liked.

Compared to the first one, hardly anyone has focused on the second when it comes to the conspiracies and cameo appearances by famous celebrities, showcasing that the first had the greatest impact, and will always have the greatest legacy, as many first films in their respective franchises have. Even though Home Alone 2: Lost in New York has its hilarious moments bringing it on par with the first, whenever anyone states that their favourite Christmas film is Home Alone, no one ever wonders if they like the second one or not.

This article is about Home Alone’s sequel, the one that doesn’t get as much attention as it should. This article is reminding you that the sequel still exists and should be watched as many times as the first. Alas, when it comes to movie time on Christmas day, when someone suggests Home Alone, no one adds to that suggestion by pitching Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. Not even a mention.

Then you have Home Alone 3, 4, and 5…. Yeah, they’re bad aren’t they. Apologises if I just annoyed you by reminding you that they also existed. My bad. Although, how many of you have questioned the existence of the fifth film? There most definitely is one, and it wasn’t a mainstream film that hit cinemas, it was but a TV special. I know, right.

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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