Monday 10 February 2020

Mum's Monday: Men in Black International

With an organisation that relies on secrecy and mind/event deleting technology, known as a ‘Neutraliser’. It is now obvious, unlike in the previous three ‘Men in Blacks’ that someone is going to slip through the net. In this case, Molly (Mandeiya Flory).

It is amusing to see older Molly (Tessa Thompson) apply for a job where no one knows about. But now let the recruiting begin and Molly becomes Agent M. I love the transport from New York to London, and why is it that new recruits always cause chaos. This part could have been longer to make more of an amusing impact.

It is nice to see that persistence gets you a working partnership. Now on entering the, what could be described as a ‘Nightclub’. I felt was borderline a scene from ‘Thunderbirds’, a children’s sci-fi puppet T.V. show and films.

It is good to see that sometimes ‘Instincts’ are better than ‘Qualifications’, and how many weapons can one car hold? Answer ‘A lot’. This equals a very bad day at the office, until that is Agent M is needed to ultimately ‘Save the world’

I knew it, they had met before, this is heart-warming to watch.

An amusing part, on the way to now save ‘Men in Black’, when Agent M says that she is going to drive but actually gets into the passenger side of the car. Different countries, different by driving on the opposite side of the roads, and the steering wheel on different side of the car.

I am glad we find out why Agent H (Chris Hemsworth) is different too and it is a good ending to this film.

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