Monday 20 April 2020

Mum's Monday: Doctor Sleep (book) by Stephen King

Warning spoilers

This book starts off where ‘The Shining’ left off. Although three years have passed, we don’t need to know too much detail of what happened directly after Wendy and Danny left the Overlook hotel, but there is just enough written about that time to let us know but no to bore us. Now that things have moved on the next chapter in Wendy and Danny’s life can properly begin as in this book. It is a good idea this sequel to ‘The Shining’. As if you have the shining gift you do keep it as you grow up, so here it is, and Danny is growing up. Hallorann’s story that he told Danny is truly a horror story to start this book.

I like how this book references that someone with the shining feeds energy to the ones that have passed to come and visit, and it also makes them stronger for them to do so. I also like the ‘Box’ idea, a simple but effective solution so far.

In the chapter called ‘Rattlesnake’ we are introduced to some more characters. This you could say is interesting to read and although it is described/explained really well I still am not a hundred percent sure what exactly happened. It could just be me though.

After reading off the horror of a morning after hangover, Deenie and her son Tommy, it looks like this story is really about to get going with ‘Part one’ although this book has written the exact words of the phrase, the meaning is still the same ‘You can escape a place but not yourself or your problems’. I like how the words have been substituted and yes it does apply, is relevant to Dan.

I like the reference linking the world to be a hospice. This book has some great also intelligent quotes making this story well written.

It seems I was wrong the horror of Deenie and Tommy is continuing sadly, this time it is tragic. I hope Dan soon finds closure these parts are hard-hitting and not nice to read, even with this being a ‘Stephen King’ novel.

Sadly, this is not one of the easiest books I have read, as it doesn’t flow like some other books and this one is although easy to put down it is however, easy to resume reading again when I do pick up to read it again.

It was a shock to read why baby Abra was screaming and crying so much. It seems you are never too young to predict/see a terrorist attack. Even with what her parents dreamt sadly; the numbers certainly do add up.

The story about the watch is a heart-warming one, it just goes to show it’s not what you remember or even forget but who you know.

A part I find confusing as how Abra is playing herself a lullaby. However, I do find this part nice to read and it seems there is nothing like ‘Do it yourself’. It soon becomes apparent Abra is one extraordinary young child. I cannot wait for Dan to meet Abra, let’s just say again in person. This part is fascinating to read. ‘Hello’. Ok could you say that Dan and Abra have now met? Answer sort off.

I am also glad how Dan helped Charlie and I am pleased the fight didn’t take place.

I like how Stephen King has written about the people who travel in RVs (Recreational Vehicles) also known as motor homes. You could say it is a bit stereotypical but if that is the way it is then so be it. Also, a part that I find a little confusing is when ‘The True Knot’ talks about ‘The Steam’ from what I can make out steam means food, well I think it does from what is written.

Sadly, I now know exactly what steam represents/means. This in part of chapter five is horrific and not at all nice to read about. Well this is written by Stephen King, so really you shouldn’t expect anything less.

I like how Abra’s shining is referred to as a ‘Radio in her head’. I like the part of, what I would call a ‘Play on words’, when I read the words ‘Hot spice’. I did wonder what that meant, I did think it was a food factory of some sort, but after finding out what it was, I thought it was clever. What I don’t like is that a little girl’s life could be in danger. The True Knot are a nasty bunch of people/beings.

I am not sure this is an actual drink or just a made up/invented just for this story but a ‘Pine tree float’ which is ‘Water with a toothpick’ it sounds interesting and clever, real or not, and it turns out a ‘Pine tree float’ is real. I like it even if it is basic. Also, a story that makes you want to do more research is a good one.

Well we have found out Dan’s middle name and how it seems it is being used to connect with Abra in a clever/better age appropriate way of helping her. Let Tony continue to help her.

I am glad that Abra went back and got the magazine out of the trash. I can see her dilemma but ultimately, I hope she can help, sadly, not before she has visited ‘Barry the Chunk’ first in her own psychic way. Now Abra has put herself, again, in danger having got the attention of ‘Rose the Hat’. I hope Abra is more careful and gets Dan’s help, although he isn’t mentioned yet in this part, but the ‘Overlook’ has now been mentioned so more connections/references are being made to the past ‘The Shining’ to bring it up the present. I do hope again Dan is able to help.

It is nice to read that Dan did well in high school. I do like reading this book for the reason of being curious as to what happened to Danny after ‘The Shining’. This book is my kind of thing as I like ‘Revisited’ or ‘What are they doing now’ type programs. I know this is fictional but to me it doesn’t matter, the curiosity is still there.

Normally you wouldn’t agree with a grown man being in communication with a minor over the internet/a computer and I am glad this has been referenced, despite Abra needing Dan’s help and the situation/for the sake of this story contact has to be established and this could be classed as one of those exceptional circumstances. People should still be careful though in real life. This book/story is set up to be ok, but not every situation is. When they meet up it is also good to see referenced about basically meeting a stranger for the first time safely like out in the open. This is all been well written as this is a sensitive topic to cover and it all must happen so to include safety references is very good, not to would or could be classed as irresponsible.

The story has moved on; it is nice to read Abra now is no longer alone in her shining. I feel this story is about to go on in ‘Leaps and Bounds’. Action wise, as to place Dan ultimately finds himself in.

Now that I am halfway through the book the action hasn’t quite started yet, but the lead/set up continues to be a good strong solid one.

There isn’t really any intrigue as we all know where Dan will end up. I just want to know that Abra will be ok, that is what is keeping me reading this book at this time.

First whilst off looking for the ‘Baseball glove’ I am somewhat pleased to what else Dan found. Although it is tragic it may well bring closure to the family. So, I am going to think of the bigger picture on this part.

I really don’t envy the chat/conversation between Dan, John and Abra’s father David because of all the information he is going to find out. Yes, Abra is in trouble but not in the conventional sense like being pregnant. I personally however, not condoned/and not liked would have found a pregnancy easier to deal with. I mean a lot more people have babies than find out their lives are in danger because of their shining. I certainly don’t want to be in David’s shoes, but I am glad he believes what his, loosely called, guests are telling him, although I do think he would have preferred Abra to bring home a boyfriend her own age rather than a grown man. However, Dan is very safe, a father wouldn’t have known that at first. This part is all well written again difficult with such a sensitive subject.

A funny part is during a clever part where Abra is inside Dan’s head, as a result of this I can see why Dan got worried that he may well find himself shopping like a teenage girl. I however, hope the initial plan works out well.

I obviously do not condone what the true knot does or have done, one thing I will say is they are evil clever as sadly, we have located ‘The Crow’.

Now I feel the action is about to really ramp up. I want to say for this part ‘No one messes with Dan’s childhood’ and now I will read to see if everything works/pans out ok for the good guys.

I don’t want to say this as a bad thing because it isn’t but before we get back to Dan’s childhood place, the story is even more fleshed out. I may be impatient and it is my impatience that is thinking how ‘Long-winded’ this story is, but this story is far from being ‘Long-winded’ it is really well written/described and I want to keep reading all these twists and turns before as I feel this book gets to the point of it. A book that keeps you wanting to read it is a good thing, I think. It’s like just when you think this book is going in one direction it doesn’t quite get there and goes slightly off to another event/occurrence.

A shocking revelation. I didn’t see that coming, what now? Answer a chat and it seems the truth had already been said out loud. This is incredible.

The clever action I finally going to happen. It has all been worked out and written well. This is action like nothing I have come across before and I am pleased at the outcome of it all. This really is a strong story.

Just as I was thinking this story was all over there is more to read and I questioned why it carried on? answer, it actually tied up some loose ends, some of which I had forgotten, included in this part is a good life lesson that a ‘Problem shared is a problem halved’.

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