Monday 29 June 2020

Mum's Monday: Pixar's The Good Dinosaur (The Pixar Theory)

I love how the dinosaurs are farmers. The lighting effect of the fireflies is nice to watch. Now all the good dinosaur young Arlo (Jack McGraw) grown up Arlo (Raymond Ochoa) has to do is catch the one stealing the food to ‘Make his mark’.

It is sad to see Arlo injured and the loss of his father and now Arlo is also far from home. 

This film isn’t the most action packed film i have seen, in fact i find it a little boring in places, also biting a head off an insect, i wouldn’t say was exactly child friendly.

I knew it, you blow down a hole and you get what you get things being blown out of it, this is an amusing part because it shows a playful nature between Arlo and the critter.

I don’t know what the prehistoric term for ‘Magic mushrooms’ is but Arlo and his now pal certainly found some. This is interesting to watch but the scenes are a little rushed.

It is heart-warming to watch the part about each of their families because the pictures and the circles enclosing them representing Arlo and the critters family units mean a lot and is nice to watch.

Now sadly, the weather is turning bad. Although it is nice to see Arlo act on advice from a memory of his father, again the scenes are rushed.

I don’t like the aftermath of the storm. What was the point of freeing the ‘Critter’. This part is not nice to watch, luckily there are a few more dinosaurs to help out, well one good turn deserves another.

It is nice to see a familiar sight all Arlo has to do now is follow the river to the mountains. Just when you don’t want any action, as Arlo is so close to home, this film delivers. I should have been careful as to what i wished for at the start of this film. Arlo sees his father. I hope he can help from the beyond. Now Arlo has found some new found strength this is good to see.

There is a dramatic waterfall scene on there way home, made that much more tense by the stunning computer animation which looks highly realistic. The accompanying music elevates the scene further, making sure you are on the edge of your seat.

It is nice to see them both go home in the end. After a long journey together, and with a strong friendship having been developed along the way, seeing Arlo and the Critter separate ways, both with the knowledge that neither of them are as bad as they first believed at the beginning.

Throughout the films released by Pixar there has been widespread talk of a theory linking all the films together. Although this isn’t the first Pixar film to be released the theory for this one is that in this one the meteor doesn't hit the earth and doesn't wipe out the dinosaurs therefore creating an alternative universe where anything can happen, hence the following and previous Pixar film releases is part of this. I mean who is going to question what an alternate universe would look like as we don’t know as the meteor did hit the earth in our universe timeline?  My answer: ‘Anything can happen in an alternate universe’. 

I am going to write blogs in order as to the theory. Heading it by the films title and Pixar and will add in where the film fits into the theory, so you can look out for the information at the end of each Pixar film blog.

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