Monday 13 July 2020

Mum's Monday: 13 Going on 30

At the start of this film with the six so called friends, it is not nice to see how 13 year old Jenna (Christa B. Allen) treats, who can only be described as her one and only friend Matt (Sean Marquette). This however, is a strong set up to the wish young 13 year old Jenna makes. Now it has come true we will see how it all plays out. So far it has been realistic enough for the nature of this film. I hope it continues, it does.

It is brilliant how smoothly it is going even though 30 year old Jenna (Jennifer Garner) is chaotic. The hangover angle is a clever/great idea. It is sad to hear older Matt (Mark Ruffalo) say that they weren’t friends anymore.

Yes Jenna is still 13, it is so funny to watch the party scenes. It is lovely to see when the Michael Jackson Thriller is played, it is actually heart-warming to watch.

The miss-understanding at the bar was luckily quickly resolved, asking for ‘Ketchup’, was a safe move in the script. 13 years old is 13 years old but yes there is a chance someone could get arrested if not careful. 

The ‘Ice ice baby’ scene is cringy. You can clearly see the cracks in Jenna’s life continue. 13 is too young to be thrown into the world of a 30 year old.

The trip back for Jenna makes her/you realise at 13 you just have to be patient. Wishing your life away is not good, but with the ‘Redesign’ of ‘Poise’ magazine it can be turned around in a good way, I hope.

I don’t want to see split relationships but I do hope Jenna realises how much of a friend/soulmate Matt is. It may be too late which is sad but I hope it does work out, in more ways than one.

It is clever the part of the script where the ‘Editor and chief’ has a rather delicate part of his anatomy on the line and Jenna has been working on her own project. ‘Life’ ‘Bravo’ now what is Lucy (Judy Greer) up to? This is not nice to watch, Lucy is evil.

I suppose things sometimes have to get worse before they can get better. Things are certainly unravelling. It does go to show that you have to be a grown up to realise that at the age of 13 you don’t actually know a whole lot. Jenna has, however, matured throughout this film, but with a little patience you will be an adult in no time at all . It is lucky and lovely Jenna does get a second chance. And it is lovely to see that she realises who her real friends are. It also goes to show that success can come in many different forms and is very personal to an individual.

What a beautiful ‘Pink dream house’ heart- warming ending.

When I first heard about this film all these other age changing films sprang to mind with ‘Freaky Friday’ (Jamie Lee Curtis), ‘Big’ (Tom Hanks) and ‘17 again’ (Zac Efron and Matthew Perry). All these age changing related films shows that this film is not an original idea but it holds its own in the line up and is a very good film.

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