Monday 14 December 2020

Mum's Monday: The Vicar of Dibley

Series one: 

Episode one - After the sad passing of the previous vicar, we see an amusing if a little annoying David (Gary Waldhorn) the chairman in the sleepy country village’s parish council committee meeting. We already see the dynamics of the characters in this cleverly worded and executed script. Well the new vicar has arrived, it is brilliant, Geraldine (Dawn French) is bouncy and brilliant, just what the sleepy village needs to be woken up and you could say the alarm clock has just arrived. Also modern life at the start of the introduction of ‘Women vicars’. New beginnings/changes need to be gotten used to. It is actually clever of Alice (Emma Chambers) in a weird kind of way to swap wine to a Blackcurrant brand because of the previous vicar’s small drinking problem. Yes, different but well done. I hate the letter, poor Geraldine this is so sad. I love the vote after though, also Sunday was a success. Yes. ‘Lady Godiva’ not being able to find time to go to the hairdressers would be disappointing. Also the joke highlights yet again one word can mean two things as the English language strikes again.

This program/series reminds me of the films Sister Act and Sister Act 2 with Whoopi Goldberg who plays Deloris. She turns around the fortunes of a sleepy convent and a failing school. Much like what Geraldine does to the sleepy village.

Episode two - "Song of Praise" (BBC) is interested in coming to Dibley. Also it is amusing to hear that ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ by D.H. Lawrence referred to, as an informative gardening program, this is so cleverly scripted. Dibley needs a choir and talent, Owen’s (Roger Lloyd Pack) a surprise. It seems Songs of Praise is causing quite a stir in the village. It also seems being on TV is harder than it looks, and a lot of wrong numbers. And you shouldn’t replace S with Fs. The joke again shows one word can mean two things.

Episode three - there is an Autumn Fayre to organise. They want it to be better than last year, but it seems it couldn’t get worse. Well now ‘Reg Dwight’ (Philip Whitchurch) to the rescue. It is lovely to see everyone is getting into the spirit of the occasion. It is amusing to hear the most unsuitable person on the loudspeaker/tannoy. And enter Reg Dwight, apparently it is not the first time. Why is he on the tannoy? It is funny but a little irritating though. A hug for Kylie (Kylie Minogue herself) good old Kylie she is a good sport. Yes, well done Dibley, very entertaining. The joke is ‘A hard one’ to understand.

Episode four - you could say this is a ‘Great’ start to this episode. I want to say that later the script was good but Geraldine was muffled by a scared Alice so who knows if this is amusing to watch. Now a tree has come through and broken the stained glass window in the church. This is sad enough but no one can remember what was in the window. This is so funny/’Loony’. Frank (John Bluthal) to the rescue although there is a lot you ‘Can’t do’ David and Princess Anne, but first there is some fun-d raising to do, I say fun because the ideas are hilarious. Geraldine is sneaky. Sadly, it seems when you lie you may hear the actual truth. I like Geraldine’s version of the swear box and now work can start and a lesson never ask children about ‘Noah’s ark’ animals or in fact anything, well ‘Who is your dad?’ might just might be allowed or not. The TV news is sad and the window and view is yes, indeed ‘Beautiful’ a lovely ending. The joke sadly, Alice likes her ‘Knock Knock’ jokes. Geraldine quite rightly doesn’t.

Episode five - it is lovely to see that it is Frank's birthday, not so lovely the cake. David’s speech, although cleverly scripted and to find out David is ‘District councillor’ and the buses don’t run through the village anymore. Happy birthday Frank. Politics has definitely hit Dibley, the vicar and the ‘Golf course’ good on you Geraldine. The joke takes some thinking about not for, or for Alice anyway. 

Episode six - is it ‘Butter’ or not? Just ask Alice or not as the case maybe. It is heart-warming to see the funeral. It was so sweet, I want to say unusual and yes, people see it all as a family. It is a lovely idea for the church to do a service for the animals of the village. Sadly, the logistics are pointed out, but if we let little things like ‘Toilet humour’ and newspapers get in the way/worry us we wouldn’t do anything. No, the vicar should not be replaced. Alice makes sadly, a good point. What with ‘Bread and butter surprise’ snails and pumpkin rivalry, it is all happening in Dibley. Well it's an ‘Animal’ day success and well said Hugo (James Fleet) lovely. The joke, more toilet humour.

Series two: 

Episode one - well from what we hear the play could have gone better and a review of it although would be very funny it just wouldn’t be suitable for the parish newsletter. Also yes, if you are going to reveal that someone is ‘Coming’ then yes, a heads up on dates would be good although in this case it really does depend on one, who is coming and two, the context of the revelation. This part of the script is really clever and funny. 26 years is time enough I would say and now Geraldine is on the case, yes, but now this could take a while. It is Owen’s lucky day this is, with mixed feelings, funny to watch. Alice and Hugo’s relationship is so funny and cute to see. I don’t like how David takes the news of Alice and Hugo. oh no, good save Geraldine. Love is in the air, well loosely. Now drinking is not considered to be a good idea to solve problems, but in this comedic case Geraldine is now off the hook. I still don’t like David’s reaction, it is heart-warming to hear Hugo’s response though. Alice ‘You are the verger’, this is so funny. The joke, yes Alice you had better be careful, oh the victims.

Episode two - ‘Best kept village’ ‘54th’ enough said and too much said about the village that came 53rd. St Barnabas is 650 years old and a radio station is coming to the village. Someone likes (Cadbury) Curly wurlys. the prize for 'Best broadcaster' causes quite a clever and funny stir at the meeting. The radio week doesn't get off to a great start. David's phone in causes another stir. I like how Geraldine has a way with words. This highlights you have to be careful who is listening when you quote your father. Frank is now on the radio he is very coming out informative but was anyone listening?. The Dibley quiz, I love the jingle, I also want to say the quiz was rigged but actually no laws have been broken, the joke. this shows that sadly, even God may miss sometimes.

Episode three - sadly, yes, David it was a dream, the meetings never go as smoothly as highlighted by the date that is 'Settled' on for the 'Valentines gala night'. Item two, well almost, the gala has amusingly gone from no clothes to 'A costume' at least, also the vicar's 'Media career' is over, not over, over, not over? Now with the late great 'Terry Wogan' (Himself) and the wonderful ballet dancer ‘Darcey Bussell’ (Herself) sadly, Geraldine/Alison has lost her voice. with ticket loosely sales, ok, that is worse. Fame has hit Dibley in the papers, sadly, 'A sad day'. Great idea Alice but I don't think it would work. Oh no, gala night this is cringingly awkward but in the nature of the program/village we shouldn't  really expect anything else for comedy value. I love the ending and Darcey is a good sport. The joke, oh poor budgie.

Episode four - who'd have thought that 'Naming a new road' could be so well repetitive this is comedically strange but somewhat predictable. Hugo is getting married 'Words of wisdom?' Alice's wedding dress? so many questions and cartoons. David is not impressed. Hello Simon (Clive Mantle). 'Blondes' And it wouldn't be a wedding without speeches, 'No, no, no no' when the point is eventually made it is actually heart-warming to hear. Alice's hen night is unfortunately too revealing, but now I see the point of the name of the 'New road'. Be careful what you say to Owen. It's Alice and Hugo's wedding, 'Wrong church' I didn't see that coming. Well the wedding, clever but off the children's chart topping wall. well she's next! for, made, sure. 'Liverpool?' no don't leave, she's not but the honeymooners are in their far too soon 'Barbados' holiday outfits. Now it is like firework night. The joke, for someone else this time, well you win a deal and lose a deal 'Stay' this is heart-warming to hear.

Series three: 

Episode one - well the honeymoon took 14 months but it was nice to hear Hugo being ever so helpful. It is nice to hear that the bedroom furniture has it’s places and now Alice, is well, thinks she is going to be as ‘Big as a walrus’. Luckily Geraldine is there to set her straight. I really don’t think that the test was reliable enough. Uncle Simon causes quite a stir, certainly for the vicar. At the meeting I would like to ‘Apologise’ with everyone else, for as I am just watching it and ‘Not there’. Oh Frank that is too much information, Owen’s face, it is so funny. Well David is going to be a Grandad. Again Owen’s face. Geraldine was expecting someone else, Oh too many visitors and an item of special clothing. I like the sound of a good hotel in ‘Wales’. Good times. I like the new word. Also what a lovely speech Simon makes. It is so funny but yes, ‘Thank you Jim’ (Trevor Peacock). The courting scenes are amusing, crazy but lovely to watch, sadly, David has his opinions. Oh Simon, how could you? The timing of the drilling is brilliant and it now seems the village needs their vicar back. Oh wow, Alice saves the day. 3 legs? Oh no oh no wrong letter. What a lovely Banner. The joke, I like that Alice wants to put in a helpful ‘Order’.

Episode two - this highlights ‘Glue’ can be dangerous. The village needs a ‘Christmas show’ Alice you are a genius, never thought I’d say that, oh well back to normal status. Let the auditions begin. Um ok then, who’d have thought there were so many ‘Kings’. Alice and Hugo are actually quite good at improvising. I like it. It would be interesting to see ‘King Herods’ nicer side. The rehearsals are not going well, poor Geraldine, yes, it is a good poster. Alice, what great acting? The whole thing is amusing to watch and very very convincing. Although some of the script for the play is not the original. I do love how Jim, David and Geraldine all help, well done Alice. This is heart-warming to watch and welcome vicar or better still Geraldine. The joke, it is good to know there is some ‘Cream’

Episode three - once again it is all happening, a creche and a christening. I love the idea of ‘God-grandparents’. Sadly, not Owen’s reasoning behind it though. It is also nice that the meeting is all ‘Agreeable’. I like the lesson in breast feeding. What a clever baby. With the christening looming there are a lot of loose comedy to be had with ‘Names’. Although David isn’t laughing that is until he hears what Geraldine tells him. The baby was asleep, the signs helped and now it is amusing and I agree ‘No swearing’ the new arrival has changed things somewhat. One question, ‘Why are you having Geraldine christened? The answers are amusing. Now Geraldine is baby sitting, one word ‘Yuk’. so the creche then, ok. Now David wants a ‘Chat’ this is amusing and heart-warming to hear. I am so glad Owen ran some things by Geraldine about teaching the baby before becoming her Godfather. Now it is sad to hear why David is not at the meeting yet. Oh Jim you. Luckily David has arrived and causes quite a romantic stir. Yet again, Geraldine is ‘Right’. Poor David. Now the christening. This is loud, crazy but strangely amusing to watch. The outfit is very thoughtful. The joke was ‘Super invisible’ and no she shouldn’t be ‘Ashamed’ it was funny.

Episode four - Hugo has brought baby Geraldine to the meeting. It is amusing to see David try and keep everything under control. The summer has been very hot. It is amusing that Jim has come to the attention of the ‘Police’ and cars do get dirty especially at 2am in the morning. I don’t like Geraldine’s washing up skills but Alice watering the plants may introduce a new way, water, air there is no difference is there? I love Geraldine’s optimism on water. It looks terribly miss-guided at the meeting. The statue for Dibley sadly, a no go. They just need water. Sadly, Dibley should be careful what they wish for. This is extremely sad to watch. He wasn’t so ‘Ready’ Jim got signatures but not for the cause. No don’t let ‘Money talk’ or an inside toilet. I am glad it was never ‘Proven’ of Frank. I am also glad the value of the village is recognised, and some. Well they wanted the publicity. Good news all round. The statue is perfect, the future not sadly, for Geraldine the past. The joke, yes, ‘Sticky’ or at least sometimes.

Series four: 

Episode one - ‘The best Christmas’ ever or Geraldine has just wasted the best ten years of her life. Now item one. Alice is now on top form and the conversation gets silly but really very clever until it comes time for Alice to leave. So now ‘Item four’ the celebration of the vicar’s ‘!0th Birthday’ sorry ‘Anniversary’. You can learn a lot from this program. ‘Catholics’ are not ‘Church of England’. I love Hugo’s idea for writing a new Christmas carol, more entries are now needed. Wow, things have changed over the last 10 years, Geraldine has a visitor much to Alice’s awkwardness. David has now seriously regretted giving Hugo and Alice the house. And Geraldine is not, however much it is accepted and referenced ‘Gay’. the carol competition is a bit ‘Next’. The party plans are coming along with sausages and controversial chocolate shapes. Poor Frank. And now the party and what a surprising but fantastic speech Frank made. The ‘Chocolate fountain’ is perfect as well, Geraldine is really getting into it. Not good really with the next visitor though. Oh dear, midnight mass. Well said Alice. Next is so amusingly funny to watch, well almost. Oh Alice what a present, but nice speech David until. The joke, it would make Christmas dinner fairer.

Episode two - I have to sadly agree with Alice they have all been ‘Let down’ true to her word, poor Owen, I thought life began at 40 not what Alice said. The letters are, I see, not what the vicar had in mind although the ‘McVitie Jaffa Cakes’ went down well. However, Jim’s letter is moving. Now we have the question of Geraldine’s Birthday present. The idea after ‘4 thoughts’ I agree is a good one. Well until the day of the ‘Speed dating’. This episode has taken a downturn. I forgot about the lights outside Sainsbury’s, sorry the Poverty campaign. Which the campaign is a nice thing to do having seen the website. 

Series five: 

Episode one - the villagers are turning into absentees from London. I like the idea of a newsletter. I think Alice should do ‘Who do you think you are?’ Now Geraldine is off to meet the new arrival to the village which ‘We hate’, sorry ‘Welcome’. Trust Alice to inform him. I like the ‘Art class’ sadly, not much painting going on, I feel Geraldine didn’t think it through very well. It feels awkward how Geraldine and Harry (Richard Armitage) talk or not talk about their jobs to begin with. The vicar and the accountant. Well the ‘Book club’ is a non-starter. No one has read the book and nice ‘Cake’. It is, however, salvaged by ‘Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne’. And no ears should be cut off at the next art class. Oh he has been spotted, Geraldine shows a great deal of Gymnastics. And well at least they did some painting this time. Harry ever the accountant, 3rd date. Oh no who is that? It is a little silly how Geraldine is not seen. Yep a book of chocolate, I see that coming. Also Geraldines dream is brilliant, and yes it should have been ‘Me’ /Geraldine. Now the newsletter oh we have a page 3, 4 and a disturbing page 5 girl. Well it is all very disturbing and beyond. Alice reckons, Geraldine for Pope, this is amusing to hear, until she carries on and then she suddenly makes a little sense. I believe there are some cross wires on the wedding arrangements, oh ‘Sister’. One happy lady, it is all heart-warming and loud to watch.

Episode two - ‘Life before the vicar’ less lively I would say, and yes Geraldine can be spoiled for one day, there is a lot to plan, until the wedding ‘Present’. A lovely gesture but? And now the ‘This is your life’ this part should have been called ‘This is not your life’. Now nostalgia has set in, this is all lovely to hear and the planned wedding is going ahead. The mask is interesting, the flowers are wet and Geraldine just cannot get any sleep. It is the wedding day. 5 minutes, oh no devastating what is it with Geraldine and puddles. Ever the vicar, on the face of it, it goes well. Almost again ever the vicar. It is so heart-warming to watch. One happy marriage. The joke is a good piece of advice and thank you Harry.

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