Monday 15 February 2021

Mum's Monday: Now You See Them by Elly Griffiths

I can think of a better way to start a book other than a funeral. However, as part of reliving the memories of the magician, I can think of a better birthday present for a seven year old than a ‘Bottle of Whiskey’. This part made me gasp and I did find it amusing. So you could xay an interesting start after all.

I know with a girl having gone missing the police do have to take it seriously and cover all leads/inquiries i do feel although at the moment they have been blind sided by the film star Bobby.

I agree about the television, it is one good to read the one at home, Emma, who has the kids could get a break and two it is bad that the only person to disagree is the one at work all day. What does he know?

Another part is partly good to read, it shows that you can take the police officer out of the job but you cannot take the police officer out of a person. Just because Emma is now a mum of three kids it shows she hasn't lost her investigative brain. Sadly, this part does show that some women struggle to have it all.

I know a disappearance of someone’s child is serious and upsetting, it is sad to read the devastating effect it is having on Rhonda’s mother. I know what she said sounded/seemed to the police officers as not important, but I do feel that the police should have asked more questions. 

I know it is only a small joke but when Edgar went to pick up his in-laws they asked ‘Have you come to arrest us?’ This to me is intelligent humour and funny.

I know it may seem like a small gesture but I like that Edgar agreed that Malcolm could have a photo of his late daughter, who he had never met.

I love how newspapers refer to ‘Births, deaths and marriages’ . I personally cannot remember if I have heard the reference before or not, this is clever and amusing to read. 

When visiting Joe in London, Max finds him also and in a ‘Blink and you will miss it’ moment a place of interest is mentioned. This is intriguing.

Most of us could say we have been there trying to either prove a point or even be incognito, only for the effect to be ruined by a trip or fall or in this case falling over a chair. I also like the part about how the windmill sails can be used to send out messages. This is interesting to read.

Newspaper article or no newspaper article, bait or no bait, what Edgar said to Emma, yes he wanted to keep her safe but it definitely wasn't nice and I really do not agree with it.

It is nice to see someone who cares so much about animals and I do agree with this part.

This book is now getting darker, with a note and someone outside Rhonda’s house. I don’t want to put this book down with these two developments going on.

This book has now taken a shockingly, horrible dark turn. This part is awful to read.

All the clues are there throughout this book, all cleverly worked out and all coming together towards the end.

A dog i mean a dog well if you are going to escape from prison you would need a reason to do so.

It is now nice to see the characters' lives taking a positive turn and careers are on the up, but sadly, some die hard fans are going to be ultimately, sadly, disappointed.

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