Monday 22 March 2021

Mum's Monday: The Pixar Theory - Toy Story 2

I love the game at the start of this film Rex (Voiced by Wallace Shawn) makes a great spaceman, especially in the head wear which is amusing to see and cute also despite what Rex says about his limitations.

It is good to see that Andy (Voiced by John Morris) is still into Cowboys, with a trip to ‘Cowboy camp’ with Woody (Voiced by Tom Hanks) coming up. It is however, sad and yes, annoying for Woody and for me watching that Woody has lost an important piece of clothing, as it is nowhere to be found so far. Oh no the TV has been accidentally turned on and an annoying advert is on. Now there is ‘Some good news and some bad news’ . It is lovely to see the interaction between Woody and the dog. They say that dogs are Man's best friend and it is Woody who has the way with the dog. Although this is heart warming and amusing to see, on the flip side it is sad to see that the dog doesn’t respond to Andy as it should in a normal family and pet dynamic situation.

Sadly, 5 five minutes is too long. It is so sad to watch these scenes with Woody on the shelf. Even more the dream. Luckily it was just a dream. What isn’t a dream is the ‘Yard sale’ and who Woody wants to rescue, but  sadly, it gets worse despite all best efforts.

Now Woody is very high up and that is a long commute to work, Al (Voiced by Wayne Knight) is shown as evil and a clever part of this is highlighting his lazy side. Now Woody has met some new toys and it is good to see that he has found out who he is as well. This is exciting for Woody but not for everyone else.

It is lovely to see the toys are on a mission to rescue Woody. And now back at the skyscraper that is one massive ‘Cliff hanger’ and the fun doesn’t last long. It is sad to see the realisation. I have to question on what side the Prospector (Voiced by Kelsey Grammer) is on. And just to prove how ‘Dangerous’ the outside world can be the film cuts back to the rescue toys in that outside world. It is, it seems, even more dangerous at the skyscraper. Although a road has traffic on it. I love the clever way the toys got across but amusing to see and I am glad I am not involved in the edge of your seat action aftermath. 

Well the toys have made it inside and it is clever how something so insignificant but clever it seems you always get one in this case it is Rex who has been distracted. It is good to see Woody getting repaired although it is sad to see when his boot is painted though, again something so small but means a lot. 

Now it is Buzz’s (Voiced by Tim Allen) turn to get distracted and Hamm (Voiced by John Ratzenberger) seems to be the only focused one. It is fun to see Buzz meet his, what can only be described as, his former self. I like how ‘Tour guide Barbie’ (Voiced by Jodi Benson) is so helpful or at least wants to be. Oh no the ‘Wrong’ Buzz, this makes me want to shout at the film along with the real Buzz.

Poor Jessie (Voiced by Joan Cusack). This film has the potential to create a lot of hoarders, people who don’t want to throw things away or give  away anything.

I like how they incorporate the very nature of a toy/game with the film, using the script. This is strong in the case of the Boxing game. Again a small part but it one gives depth to the film and two shows a wide range of the toys that there are.

I am so glad Buzz is now on the case. Now of all the toys to be released it had to be that one. Although it is a definite ‘No’ to letting go it is now good to see the lift save the, amusing to see, pile of toys.

Now who’d have thought Bullseye could be so modest and Woody so ticklish. Unfortunately the rescue toys arrive and miss interpret the situation. Well I am glad Buzz cleared that up. 

I love how the tables have turned, Buzz did learn from Woody sadly, Woody thinks differently now until ‘Come with me’ I love this, what a twist, I don’t like this also another toy is living up to their nature but this is certainly not in a good way this time.

I like the reference to the Star Wars film by 20th Century Fox father and son scenario, this is, to me, amusing, where have I heard that before or like I haven’t heard that before, moment. Although I am glad Rex did what he did it is sad to see Buzz’s reaction, however, this is a nice in-depth acknowledgement again however, small but meant alot. I love the playful father and son scene.

Now for my favourite part of the film, so the toys have to find a way of following Woody and a handy pizza delivery vehicle is available. It is amusing yet good to watch the toys work together to drive. Now amongst all the, what can only be described as chaos, Hamm has found a manual and what he reads and the timing is perfect and brilliant, to make this partso funny to see and hear. And it doesn’t have anything to do with the story so I would say the unexpected nature of it adds to me liking it so much within this film.

It is the edge of your seat action, once again to see the maze of airport workings. I am glad Slinky dog’s (Voiced by Jim Varney) behind isn’t going somewhere else. I do feel sorry for the owners of the camera though and feel that another distraction could have been used. Yes, I know this is a fictional computer generated film, but looking after airport luggage/possessions should be taken seriously. I don’t like the speech the Prospector gave but he will now get a lesson in what it is like to be a toy and  to be played with, a big artistic, I hope, lesson. Now Woody’s finest rescue can begin. I am sure the workings of an airport doesn’t quite work like that but it does add to the action. Yes, ‘Let’s go home’. 

I love how they got home, you have to watch carefully to spot it in the background to start with, and are now part of the family. Yes, I love the name Andy has four letters and a horse has four legs. Buzz has a new romance, crime doesn’t pay, Mr and Mrs Potato head (Voiced by Don Rickles and Estelle Harris) has a new adopted family whether he likes it or not and now with a fixed penguin the song is nice to hear after Buzz and Woody talk together. 

There is a lot of little things that mean so much in this film that it just goes to show that it is/ can be the little things that can make the difference compared to big fancy gestures, sayings and doings.

As this is the sequel to the first Toy Story film the theory from the first one still applies, that the magic combined with the children playing with the toys brings them to life.

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