Friday 3 June 2016

Video of the Week: Harry Potter Theory: Dumbledore’s Horcrux (by SuperCalinBrothers)

Harry Potter is a global phenomenon. It was an instant hit ever since the first book was published back in 1997, and it only ever grew increasingly popular over the years. When the first film, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone hit cinemas, the books were loved by so many, and the films were done so well, they were, too. In 1997, I was 3 years old, but I didn’t start getting into Harry Potter until a couple of years later. I wasn’t that big on reading back then, but as I grew up, and slowly weaved my way into the world of witchcraft and wizardry, I found myself being unable to put the books down, and now I’ve read the books at least three times over.

The characters’ development from beginning to end was so rich with detail, we connected with them. From one book to another, as my generation grew up alongside Harry and his friends, Ron and Hermione, it was a sad moment when we had reached the last page of the final book, or the credits start rolling on the final film. We didn’t want to say goodbye, we wanted to know what happens next – we needed that next chapter.

The world of Harry Potter is vast. A lot of detail has been put into those books. All the characters have full lives, even if we don’t get to see all of it. Over the years, more and more theories about Harry Potter have developed. Fans have been piecing together certain bits of information to flesh out the many characters that much more. Some are good, and make a lot of sense, and some may not. J.K. Rowling has captured our imaginations for years. She has filled those books with enough information for the story to progress and develop, but maybe leaving out certain elements that isn’t necessary integral to the story, but are a big part of someone’s life. The way the entire story is written, it’s hard not to fill in any gaps with your own theories.

There have been many over the years. Each one, in their own way, explaining away parts of the story to make the entire story itself make that much more sense. Some can be simple and easily understood, but others need to be explained a lot to be appreciated. This is where SuperCalinBrothers can come in. It was only recently when I discovered them, and it was through this video, Dumbledore’s Horcrux did I start liking them and wanted to watch more of their videos.

I think of myself as a nerd when it comes to Harry Potter. I know pretty much everything there is to know about the world, and I am open to theories. I have read many theories that I instantly disagree with, and some that I find interesting enough to implement it into the Harry’s world. I don’t outright agree with any theories as they are, after all, just theories and cannot be officially confirmed. If J.K. Rowling says it’s true, then that means it’s true, but if she denies it, then it’s false. It’s as simple as that, but SuperCalinBrother’s video is different.

Different how, though? Well, it’s clear that he has done his research. He knows the world of Harry Potter. I can’t fault him on any information he gives before going into the theory. The theory itself is answering a massive question: Did Professor Albus Dumbledore create a horcrux? Dumbledore is a complex character. We do learn a lot about his life throughout the books, most notably during the seventh and final book, when he’s talking to Harry in Limbo. Dumbledore has lived a full life. A lot has happened to him over the years, and so it’s understandable that he doesn’t want to talk about it all, even to his closest friends until the time is right. He’s a powerful wizard, always has been, and he has regrets. We only know as much as the books tell us, even though we know there is so much more to his life than what we have read.

The 17 minute video strings together some important parts of the story. As well as explaining those parts, he also asks some questions which he answers with his theory and how it ties in with the previously explained information. It is hard to fault. Throughout the video, as he was explaining his video, I did say that certain parts didn’t make sense, but then he would go on to explain how they do make sense and why, which completes the video for me. It’s mind-blowing how faultless this theory is.

J.K. Rowling has responded to the theory with the following tweet.

In other words, she’s dismissing the theory altogether, and I did say that when J.K. says something, it is true. However, I can’t stick with that mind-set as strongly as I was before. As I said before, Dumbledore’s a complex character. A lot has happened throughout his life, and him being associated with dark magic maybe something that, despite his complexities, has never thought about. Dumbledore is a powerful wizard, and a father figure to Harry, and so dark magic cannot be a part of that.

For me, it is a hard theory to digest, but I couldn’t deny the accuracy. It does add a new aspect to the entire story unlike any other theory I’ve read and discussed. It most definitely got me thinking more than any other theory did, hence why I’m writing this article.

As for saying whether I agree with it or not, that’s still a big step, but I cannot deny its legitimacy based on the existing information. It’s a solid theory that can be included in the story and the more I think about it the more it naturally fits in without any hassle.

I guess it gives me an excuse to read the books again, not that I needed one in the first place.

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson


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