Friday 10 June 2016

Video of the Week: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver – Debt Buyers (by Last Week Tonight)

John Oliver’s videos on YouTube are both funny and educational. Each video, he sits down and talks about an important topic that needs to be addressed. It’s clear from the very beginning that he has done his research. John has managed to uncover some incredibly facts that do open your eyes to the truth – reading between the lines, and telling it exactly how it is, all while making it funny isn’t an easy job to do, but John makes it look easy. He has talked about topics such as: Food waste, sex education, mental health, government surveillance, patents. He has also talked about a few light-hearted subjects, such as: Leap second, re-gifting, April Fools Day, and conspiracies in which he made up his own to prove a point.

In this video, he talks about debt buyers who illegally scrounge as much money as they can out of you, by threatening you or via other methods that are deemed shocking. I knew debt collectors were a thing, but I didn’t know that they were this sort of thing – a badly organised group of companies that only know one thing and that’s to take as much money from you as it’s possible, leaving you wondering they on Earth had just happened.

He only talks about the debt collectors who operate in America, which is why this video is only available to view in America, unfortunately. The above paragraph has already given a quick overview about what he talks about and how debt collectors work.

In England, we have what is known as Bailiffs. If you owe a lot of money for something rather important, say a speeding ticket, unpaid bills, or unpaid insurance, and the company has tried various ways to push you in the right direction and pay off your deb, then they will hire Bailiffs who will come round your house and take anything that equals in value to the owed money: A TV, games console(s), computer, basically anything. Then they sell the items for the value they are worth to give the money to the companies you owe the money to, and they’ll keep coming back for more depending on how much money they get selling the items, or how much you owe. And they are perfectly entitled within the law to do just that, because they would have been given an official certification to take your belongings. It can be a complicated and time consuming matter, but in the end, most companies who hire Bailiffs get what they want.

We also do have Debt Collectors in England, but they are completely different to that of a Bailiff, but many Debt Collectors do try and act like a Bailiff, which is illegal because they wouldn’t have gotten an official court order to do what is necessary to get you to pay your money. Debt Collectors do not have the power to take your belongings, but they do so anyway.

To get a license, they are obliged to follow the rules set out by the Office of Fair Trading, which aims to prevent unfair practice, but hidden cameras have caught many debt collectors ignoring these rules and doing what they shouldn’t, such as: misrepresent the amount of debt you owe; calling you at work or in the early hours of the morning; falsely claiming to be an attorney; insult the public or use profanity in their communications; lie about jail time, warrants, or lawsuits; contacting your employer or family members. Many have been prosecuted for those acts, but there are still those that believe they will get away with it. It is clear that these guidelines are being thrown out of the window altogether. Sometimes, they can harass you with countless phone calls per day. One example of this is when a family were targeted by debt collectors and received over 370 phone calls over the next couple of weeks. That’s over 30 phone calls per day on average.

In England, there are still over 20,000 debt collectors across the country, chasing £20bn+ in debt.

In America, Debt Collectors making it worse for many people, and some in this England are doing so as well. John Oliver explains what debt collectors do in America. His research is extensive and nails every point on the head with unflinching accuracy. The funny side of his explaining only helps you understand what he is saying that much more instead of turning it into a boring lecture full of nothing but facts and statistics. It shocked me how easy it is to set up my own debt collection agency and buy people’s debts from them, starting the chain of events leading to them being in a complicated mess and me sitting in a pool of money. It’s not fair and does indeed needs to be stopped immediately.

On a brighter note. John Oliver made television history by giving the largest amount of money away in one go. He explains that he has set up his own debt collection company, known as CARP (Central Asset Recovery Professionals) incorporated, and brought over 14 million dollars’ worth of medical debt. He then explained that he has no intention to follow up on this and set forth to give it all away to charity. John presses a big red button to activate the process to transfer all the money. This completely shatters the previous record set by Oprah Winfrey when she gave each and every person in her audience a car. That giveaway was estimated to be nearly 8 million dollars.

That is just one of many ways debt collectors have been beaten, across England and America, and they will continue to be beaten as long as they are around. Below are a few links that will direct you to the necessary information regarding Debt Collectors and their ways in England, and what to look out for if for any reason you feel you should be suspicious.

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson


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