Friday 19 August 2016

Video of the Week: WHOLOCK – Sherlock meets the Doctor! (by John Smith)

This person hasn’t got the recognition that he deserves. All of his videos are stunning. He has dedicated so much of his time and put an incredible amount of effort into every single one of his videos, the final product is nothing but a masterpiece. I could have chosen any one of his videos, but it wouldn’t matter which one I pinpoint in the title, I am recommending his entire channel. The first video of his that I watched was the one above. When I saw the thumbnail, I had an incline of what I would be getting when I clicked on the video and started watching it. My mind was blown from the very beginning. There weren’t any parts where I thought that this was a fan made production, which blew my mind even further when I discovered that it actually was.

I had to see what else he had done, and I saw that he had done a fair amount of videos relating to Doctor Who and Sherlock. The first video he ever released was a fan-made trailer for the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. But if you’re sitting there, scratching your head, wondering how on earth someone could have possibly done that, then you didn’t scratch your head for long because he has also released a VFX breakdown of the entire video. He shows you how he made every single shot in the video, and the amount of effort shown is staggering and shows just how passionate he is for both Doctor Who, Sherlock, and more importantly VFX work. There is also a VFX breakdown of the WHOLOCK video as well, which you must go and see.

In a couple of his videos, in the comment section, a few people have stated that his work is far better than what the BBC has produced, and even though I do believe that his work most definitely rivals that of BBCs better works, there is a good reason for that. The BBC is a massive corporation and with so many TV shows in the works, they’re restricted by deadlines. The creator of these videos doesn’t have any deadlines other than his own, and so he can make every single second as perfect as he can, but that doesn’t mean I love his work any less.

It is unfortunate sometimes that so many talented people who have produced outstanding pieces of art but never really progress any further than just posting their videos to YouTube. This person needs as much recognition as he can get because he more than deserves it.

Another video that I would like to bring into the matter is the VORTEX short, which shows his interpretation of the Space-Time Vortex, and I frankly would much rather see that as the current opening titles than the one we have now. It’s mysterious, it’s powerful, it’s unforgiving, it’s the Space-Time Vortex.

There isn’t much else I can add to this article other than to say just go and watch, subscribe, and be amazed at his work. I am looking forward to his next video, whatever it may be.

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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