Friday 16 September 2016

Video of the Week: BIRDEMIC: The Best Worst Movie Ever – JonTron (by JonTron Show)

JonTron’s reviews of bad games are entertaining. Instead of reviewing the best there is, he hunts down and plays the worst there is, and there are some truly terrible games out there that do make you wonder how they ever go made in the first place. I’ve seen a few of his game reviews every now and again, but it’s only recently did I find that he also reviews bad films as well, and I do think that they are on par with his game reviews. The films that he chooses have also been down by other popular critics on YouTube, but his original perspective and funny jokes throughout kept me watching until I had watched every film that he had watched and reviewed. That was a late night.

I wasn’t exactly going through an organised playlist when I was watching his reviews, I just chose one at random and watched that and repeated the process until I came across the video above.

I don’t know how I was able to do it, but I somehow saved the best to last, and when I say the best, I mean, the one that rendered me speechless. There’s a particular scene that I just couldn’t really comprehend. All the scenes leading up to this one particular moment and JonTron’s reactions to them made for another entertaining video, but as soon as this scene hit the screen, my mouth fell to the floor in disbelief. That scene in question begins at 10:10. Enjoy.

Because of that one moment, Birdemic has become the film to beat. All the other films that I had seen before this, whilst bad, just couldn’t match the poor quality of Birdemic. Even watching it after several weeks break, I still struggle to fully process what is actually on the screen at that precise moment. Even now I have no words. It’s hard to say something about that, although after a long, wondering moment, I did have the same expression as JohnTron did in the video. I even emphasised the moment by saying aloud, “Seriously”.

This is a video where you have to watch it for yourself. If I hadn’t put a link to the video above and tried to explain what happens, I would say, “imagine a group of people waving coat hangers at gifs of birds”. You would probably want to know what the heck I’m on about and have to see the film just to see if I were telling the truth, and then be stunned that I was all along.

There really isn’t much else to say about this film. The video as a whole is funny. JohnTron’s reactions couldn’t have been emphasised for the video. They must have been his real reactions. You would be too speechless to emphasis anything.

In conclusion, this film is the natural definition of floccinaucinihilipilification.

Thanks for watching
Antony Hudson

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