Monday 17 April 2017

Mum's Monday: The Vintage Teacup Club by Vanessa Greene

Where I live when you come out the library, which sits in the middle of the high street, I had the choice of 2 routes home. I picked the longest, but gentler hill. This route took me passed a charity shop and in the window was this book. I walked past and around the corner, thinking all the time what an intriguing title. I then turned around went back and bought it. I wasn’t disappointed once I had read it.

Three women are at a car boot sale in Sussex, Jenny, Maggie and Alison, they are all at the same stall at the same time; you could say fate has bought them all together. Just one small problem –  they all love the same vintage teacup set for different reasons. This book gets the 3 of them talking and socialising as women would naturally do and they come up with a plan.

Jenny wants to use it as part of her themed wedding, Maggie wants it for a work event she is organising and Alison is starting a career in selling crafted items and wants to make unique candles out of it. So they agree once the others have used it they pass it on, Alison having it last of course.  

Alison and the other two have collected quite a few tea sets all stored at Alison’s; well, I say “stored” but they are on display and not packed safely away. This is where the book becomes, ok, but still real, however, would you, with a family, risk having china cups on display even if in a studio. This book shows why you don’t. Alison’s teenage daughter throws a fit and tea sets get smashed. Yes, this does happen in real life and hind sight is a wonderful thing. We can learn from this book.

This is where this book now becomes a happier ending and the men in the women’s lives step up and realise the appeal of the club the women have formed. 

The women are frantically trying to find cups and sets to replace what was smashed but the men have beaten them to it looking and buying up sets around car boot sales in the area.

It is heart-warming to see the men get on as it isn’t always the case and especially as to how the 3 women met. This book shows us we can get on with anyone if we want to.

I would recommend this book it is a light-hearted read. 

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