Friday 7 April 2017

Random Topic Generator: The No Topic Paradox

This week’s events started as usual, but ended unexpectedly. So much has happened during this week, the time to find a suitable, topic to talk about, or a video to discuss or recommend just never presented itself, and thus, unfortunately, I do not have a topic for today’s article.

I am writing this quite late on Thursday night because I just wasn’t anywhere near my computer in the morning, before this article was meant to go up at midday, therefore, I just haven’t had the time to do any research into many current topics that are happening right now in the world.

Today’s article is about me having nothing in particular. It’s going to be nothing special, probably just a bunch of nonsense piled together into coherent sentences, that probably doesn’t really have any meaning to them anyway.

If I am brutally honest, it’s easier to talk about nothing than it is about something, but it’s still hard to make sense. I could literally write gibberish, but I am determined to make this article have a meaning, which is that it doesn’t really have a meaning.

You could say I’m wasting your time. You expected an article about something, either discussing a video, or a particular topic that I’ve found interesting, but instead you’ve found yourself reading this, absolutely nothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve stopped reading up to this point, but if you are still wondering what else I have to say, you’re going to be disappointed. It’s not an April Fool’s Joke, this quite literally is an article about nothing, because I didn’t have the time to research anything, and it’s quite late at night on Thursday. Now I’m repeating my words. You would think that, with nothing really to say except nonsense, I wouldn’t have to repeat myself, but yet I just did.

I do apologise for this article. It’s nothing special. It’s just something to fill the gap. What was I going to do, keep this empty? Actually, that probably would have been a better option, considering the complete lack of sense I’m making right now.

I’m tired. It’s late. The title’s probably wrong. I should have called it something else. I could have used that title for something better than this. “No Topic”, “Completely Meaningless”, “Complete Waste of Your Time”, three titles that I could have used instead of the one above. Now, if I do ever write an article centred around the title’s topic, I can’t use it. I could change it, but the problem I’ll have then is, if I do change it, this entire paragraph won’t make any sense, not that it did anyway, so I don’t think it will make a difference. No, I’ll keep it as it is. At least it will make this paragraph make a little bit of sense; not much, but just a little bit, and that is all that matters, isn’t it?

I am committed, by the way. This article will have 1,000 words in. So far I’ve just past 500, so I’ve got another 500 to go. Well, less than now, because I used a few to tell you how many words I’ve used and how many I’ve got left. From the beginning of this sentence, the counter read 543 words, and the counter, at the end of this sentence, reads 565. Well, if I include the title as well. That may be cheating, but I don’t think this is the type of article where I need to care that much, and technically speaking, an article isn’t complete without a title, so it should be included in the official word count. But what if you have an article that doesn’t have a title? Well, there probably would be a reason behind it. You can’t simply have an article that doesn’t have a title, because no one would know what it would be about before reading it. Although, with it not having a title, it could create curiosity and draw people in, to see what the article is about anyway. It would be a unique and original idea, would it? Maybe.

On a positive note, I doubt anyone else has done something similar to this article before, because it would be utterly pointless. What would be the point of writing an article that no one would want to read, because it has no meaning to it? But, despite that, it is an original idea. It’s a unique article. Every article craves people to read it, but this does its best to turn people away. However, on the other hand, the meaningless nature of this article may actually draw people in, to see what else I’ve written. This may be entertaining, because it’s utterly meaningless.

So, if the latter is true, and people are reading this, because they want to know what’s next, and that they find it entertaining, that cancels out my statement about this article having no topic. If this articles do in fact have a topic, then the title is true to its word. I have created a paradox because, not having a topic, is in fact, a topic. I’m going to stop myself there; I’m tired, it’s late, I just want to go to bed. I don’t have the energy for a sudden realisation, I just want to pass the 1,000 word mark, get this post scheduled for today at 12:00, turn this computer off, get myself ready for bed, climb into my bed, make sure the covers are wrapped around me comfortably, make sure I’m in a comfortable position, close my eyes, and go to sleep. Knowing my luck, I’m going to suffer from one of those nights where I’ll do nothing but turn this way and that, close my eyes but never dropping off to sleep, but only just doing so about a couple of minutes before the alarm goes off, so I will have to get up and out of bed, feeling worse than when I entered…

That’s it, I’ve past 1,000 words, I’m off…

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