Monday 28 May 2018

Mum's Monday: Father of the Bride – part 2


This film, starts off, pretty much, like the first film, George Banks (Steve Martin), talking to the camera about his family’s life over last past year. The film again is a flashback, but this time, instead of a wedding, it is an insight into his, what can only be described as a ‘mid-life crisis’, with 2 added additions to the family and a possible move to Boston.

It is fun to watch George’s reaction to the ‘big news’, it is over the top, but in keeping with what George aka Grandpa, does best. Yet again Nina (Diane Keaton) has to keep the peace.

An amusing part to watch, is when Annie’s brother, Matty (Kieran Culkin) explains that he is going to be a 12-year-old uncle. He made some good and fun points, but it only served to push George’s point home more. It is nice to see Nina, thrilled, someone has to stay rational.

If ever there was a film, that shows, acting in haste, and repenting at leisure, this is it. As we soon find out

True to form George’s reaction to Nina’s ‘big news’ is amusing to watch.

The coincidence of, running into Franck Eggelhoffer (Martin Short) and his assistant, at the doctor’s office is a bit of a stretch, but it is nice to see him back

It is good to see something actually working out well for George, even though, he first came face to face with a wrecking ball and he is now $100,000 out of pocket.

Seeing George in a good mood, leads to a few heart-warming surprises for the mums to be.

However, just when we thought ‘Boston’ was forgotten, it becomes an issue again.

It is nice to see, George warming to Franck, and it is lovely to see, what Franck does at the house all day. It is also great to see George compliment Franck’s work.

You know what they say ‘best laid plans’, but sleeping pills change things and Franck is left to get everyone in the car and make the drive to the hospital, with amusing consequences.

A conveniently, placed wheel chair, and a sleepy George, makes for funny scenes, with him being taken for a prostate examination.

It is good to see George and Franck step up when both babies could have the same birthday, what are the chances, in this film it seemed inevitable.

The film, soon becomes serious and it is lovely to see Bryan Mackenzie (George Newbern) Annie’s husband, turn up just in time, to be with Annie, so George could be with Nina.

And now we come to the reason I bought Father of the Bride films 1 and 2, throughout both films George plays basketball with Annie in their yard. Now she is leaving to work in Boston, with her husband and baby son. This is ok, because she is leaving her mum and dad and her new born sister with a going away present, a baby sized miniature basketball, a heart-warming and appropriate ending to 2 feel good films, showing the lives of the Banks’ Mackenzie family.

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