Monday 21 May 2018

Mum's Monday: Thunderbirds Are Go (1966)

Considering this is a, movie extension of a children’s puppet show, the set and the models are well done and are very realistic.

The film is set in the 21st century, based around the first manned mission to land on the planet Mars, it is a strong storyline.

The rocket, called Zero-X, when it takes off like an aeroplane, it is very much, futuristic thinking, in the script.

What could go wrong? Sabotage maybe. With it being a futuristic children’s puppet film, although, they keep it in the realms of realism, there is still the scope and free will with artistic licence to put in all sorts of helpful technology.

We see that you cannot argue with 862 pages, so yes I agree, have International Rescue at the next launch attempt. Although it is against their rules, it is nice to see them willing to be there and do their bit.

It is nice to see something being done to prevent anyone being in grave danger before the possibility they are.

The cross between human hands and puppet hands are seamless and works when it is necessary for carrying out small finger sized tasks.

This film could, so easily been the Thunderbirds going out on rescue after rescue like on the T.V. show, but it is refreshing and unique for a film, that they are helping with a big launch event in space exploration.

However, it wouldn’t be Thunderbirds, without some sort of action and suspense, so it is good to know they agreed to be there. Although lady Penelope (Voiced by Sylvia Anderson) and Parker (Voiced by David Graham), have a big hand in assisting them.
I also agree with Penelope, when her and Parker see Zero-X in flight and she says ‘What a magnificent site’, it is impressive.

Alan’s dream scenes, are strange and weird, but it is a dream after all, so where there seems no point of it in the film I do see where they were going with it and it sets the scenes for the Band and added bonus of the catchy song sung by the character Cliff Richard Junior (Voiced by Cliff Richard himself) the lyrics are perfect for the film.

After 6 weeks in the film, it is nice to hear some good news, this film however, is dated, as in the film the planet Mars has been set out and modelled in a very different way to what we know of the planet, today.

They make a very good point of not just focusing on life as we know it, high-lighting, to be aware of other types of Alien life form.

It is good to see International Rescue, being kept informed of Zero-X’s progress.

The landing scenes of Zero-X, kept me on the edge of my seat, hoping they would all land safely. It is a shame about the small town though, but the special effects are well done.
‘Thunderbirds Are Go’

This film is F.A.B

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