Monday 30 July 2018

Mum's Monday: Edge of Tomorrow (AKA Live, Die, Repeat)

When the film starts, apart from knowing there is an alien invasion, a little else is known about what is happening. However, Officer William Cage (Tom Cruise) isn’t aware of what is going on either. So it is hardly likely we are going to know more than him. The only thing, so far, we find out is William Cage has now, become Private Cage and classed as a deserter. I am just as confused as he seems to be.

The high tech equipment looks good, but it may be best if one of the soldiers wore clothes under his.
We also see, not your conventional parachute jump, and the special effects are well done.

The film is very repetitive, it can work against William Cage, but if he can save lives in the long run, it can only be a good thing. Gaining the trust of the other soldiers can be difficult. It is annoying to see that first of all it doesn’t go well and second that Rita (Emily Blunt) trusts him, although it does take 2 attempts to reach her.

This film as I watch, takes on a new direction and the repetitive nature carries on, but with a different, more in-depth, understanding and the ability to change the original outcome of the invasion.

Due to the repetitive nature of this film, it could of, so easily been a boring film, however, they cut down the scenes, but we still understand what is happening.

The film cannot move on, until William Cage has finished his training and has explained to Rita her every move to make.

The switch between scenes is fast, but still effective, watching it, you have to keep up until it slows to more of a sedate pace. If it kept up the fast pace all throughout the film, watching it would be exhausting and hard on the eyes and the brain.

It is good to see the story line move on further, where the characters achieve more and more. As this is the whole point of the film, it is good to see the new scenes and the progress, and you never know, when it would go back to him, waking up again in handcuffs being called a ‘Maggot’. This film certainly keeps the mind on its toes.

A part, that is unexpected, is William Cage has made a decision. When you have learnt all you can, so far, and want to protect someone, sometimes, for the person involved, it can only be one way, but all of a sudden we are back at base, giving feedback and the story moves on again.

All of a sudden it is made clear, to us that this film is only over 1 to 2 days. It is so easy to lose track of this, and it came as a surprise, when I was made aware of this.

It is also apparent, that there comes a point where, the characters don’t know what to do as they haven’t progressed that far before.

This film, shows it is easy to get complacent, with the knowledge, that you can repeat, until things change and your life is in actual danger.

It is amusing to see the squad leader ask where his squad was.

Now we see the ultimate battle, take place, some of the scenes are too dark, on a small screen to see what is going on, the script helps a little, and with the added, extra knowledge, this will, hopefully, make a difference in the long run.

The ending is a total, unexpected surprise, it is nice to see and when asked ‘What do you want?’ where does he begin.

The film is a mix of Groundhog Day, meets Saving Private Ryan, meets Men in Black, meets Transformers. All you have to do whilst watching it, is keep up with what is going on, at a fast pace.

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