Monday 11 February 2019

Mum's Monday: NYPD Red 3 by James Patterson and Marshall Karp

Part one
This book starts off at a fast pace, it gets to the investigation almost from the start. It is sad to see that although a cop Zach Jordan and his wife Cheryl had an upgrade over the new year, it seems that one, the higher you go, the harder you fall back to reality and two, a cop’s work is never done.

It is an eye opener to use modern technology in determining the time of death, with sent and answered, unanswered and unsent text messages. However, the exact time and cause still needs to be established, and just because someone has no head it doesn’t mean that is what initially killed him. This makes for a very thorough storyline from the beginning.

It is sad to see that a loyal employee, Peter Chevalier, who has worked for his boss, Hunter Alden Jr for twenty-three years and the boss, he wants his car back. He is however, doing all he can to help with the investigation though, which is a good thing in the long run.

It seems NYPD (New York Police Department) has restrictions due to jurisdictions but the NYPD Red is a department with no borders. This gives the author free range to use their imagination on how and where a crime is committed and how it is investigated. It makes the story less complicated to use just two officers Zach and Kylie Macdonald, rather than a whole lot of characters that make the story too busy.

The end of chapter eighteen stumped me until I thought about it for a few seconds. Someone knows more than they are saying. I started to think something completely different and I had almost solved the case, but I hadn’t, so far.

Part two
It seems Silas Blackmore has two jobs, it is a surprise and Hunter should be careful as to who he is actually dealing with.

Although it seems money can buy you power, it is good to see that Alden is not above the law, and Zach and Kylie have the upper hand. It is realistic that Alden is not going to accept the fact. Money can get your own way and spoil a person.

There is a part in this book that is out of the ordinary, in that an expensive padlock has been used out of place, somewhere that doesn’t normally spend that kind of money. Hopefully this will be followed up and investigated. Sadly, however, you have to take a risk, as for every one time something is happening there are many more times that making a fuss can get people into trouble. This in turn can deter people reporting or speaking up and something serious is or can be missed.

It is good to see the two boys are safe but the events that take place are strange and I wonder what Tripp is up to.

All I want to say is ‘Wow poor Silas Blackmore’ I think I have solved the case but now I want to know why, if I am right.

Part three
It is nice to see, once a friend always a friend. Tripp is in over his head and it is good to see Lonnie is willing to help him. I just hope it is legal.

I like what Tripp tried to do, but now the bad guy is out of the picture, I’m not sure if what Tripp wants will happen.

It is good to see that out of the tragedy, good can come out of it. The money will help make the world a better place.

It also doesn’t hurt to start the new year over again. It does help to know exactly the right thing to say though.

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