Friday 11 March 2016

Random Topic Generator: 3 Found Poems

Found Poems have been around for years, and today, it is still a popular form of poetry. Found poems consist of taking words, phrases and/or even entire sentences and rework them by deleting or moving words around to invoke new meanings. Below are three found poems that I have crafted together from the comments section on two sources: Amazon and Steam. The first poem is from the Gorilla Tape's comment section on Amazon, the second is also from Amazon but about a treadmill, and the third is from the hugely popular sandbox game, Garry's Mod.

Found Poem #1 - Gorilla Tape

Really good tape fro a great vendor

when it came out of the box, the 2 first things i noticed was the smell and the size (sounds so wrong out of context :P)

I used it for my car reg plate six months sill there . Allso my horse bages and eagle . All still firm

I once had to quickly hem a pair of pants and taped the inside up with this tape.
After a few years washing/drying the pants are still hemmed.

Good quality does job very well, pretty strong and firm even on skin

This is indeed very strong tape, I doubt they will have escaped by the time I get back from work



I tried using this tape on a gorilla to try get rid of it, instead I ended up running for my life as the gorilla started chasing me, it almost killed me. I don't recommend this product.

Hold down zombies with this tape, repair the engine on your Humvee, stick the receiver back together on your AR-15 and other 'manly' repairs.

it works best when slightly warm. This stuff is so strong beauticians could use it for waxing!!!

Gaffa tape on steroids. Seriously good stuff.


Sticks like the proverbial to a blanket...... enough said!

Found Poem #2 - Treadmill

It does what I want. I walk on this. Yes it does slip. However I wouldn't run.

The first one blew up after just over a year, but I thought I'd buy another one. The second one lasted nearly a year and blew up

Great if you don't want to hit the tarmac

i bought this for my girlfriend after she "had to have one" and she said "i will always use it" she never uses it.

THE ENTIRE REASON I bought this is because walking bores the crap out of me.

very good hanging rail

well worth the price my dog loves it

wery god work 3 years not have problems ,,,nice items.


Much better than my old York

1st one, a very dangerous catapult machine. 2nd one, the same happened again.

I cant carry it to the post office.

both me and the treadmill are still alive.

I think maybe I prefer the outdoors 

Found Poem #3 - Garry's Mod

I was killed by a Soda Can.

Its k.

This game is of course 10/10, because you can do ALOT of things, and it-self is good!

I hate this game with every fiber of my being.
I love this game so much.

So moddable that even the mods of this mod have mods


This game is awful-ly good. I don't even know what the stupid-ly amazing developers where thinking when they made this terribl-ly fantastic game.

2/2 It has balloons

Watermelons are terrifying now.........

I found a Corndog. I use it as a staff.
I found a Chili dog. I use it as a hat.
I found a Hot Dog. I gave it shoes and now I ride it around.

If this game was a spoon. It would be a good spoon

Handsome Jack murdered Combine Soldiers and Stormtroopers with his Dubstep Gun while Snake provided sniper support with his MLG Sniper as he flew over the Naboo Palace in his hovering bathtub.
All while the John Cena theme played in the background.

Rejoin and do it all again


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' website:



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