Tuesday 1 March 2016

The Watch – Part 54:

Inside the tent was busy. Many people were walking around the place, either heading towards or away from a seat, meeting other people or just wrapped up a conversation. A stage stood at one end of the tent where someone was performing some rather neat tricks with a football. A panel of four judges sat with their backs to the audience, watching and studying the routine with professional eyes.

I followed Tom through several rows of chairs before he stopped beside the one and only Amy. A very vivid thought popped into my head, making me think about the time I met Amy in that other universe. Well, a parallel universe counterpart of Amy. In that reality, she owned the house that I currently live in in this one, and everything was and felt normal in every way, except I was in a different Universe.

Despite there being many versions of Amy in many universes, I am in love with this Amy, sitting on her chair, with her blonde hair tied back and watching the performance with a warm smile on her face, making me smile as well. To me, the Amy sitting in front of me is unique in every single way. Nothing and no one can replicate her and that is why I am feeling nervous about talking to her right now.

Tom would obviously break the ice and introduce me to her, and then leave me to carry on whatever conversation he starts, if he actually does. I hope he does since I have no clue as to what to say. I’ll probably just sit there in silence, trying to think of something sensible to say and when I actually manage to pick a suitable topic, I’ll flub every syllable, making me blush a very bright red, making her not want to talk to me and walk off. I would then become a laughing stock amongst her friends who will laugh at me whenever I walk past. The story would then somehow spread throughout the college until everyone is laughing at me, forcing me to quit college altogether and move to somewhere else.

‘Sebastian…’ a distant voice said somewhere very far away. ‘Sebastian…’ It grew louder each time my name was said until it snapped me out of my train of thought and I realised that I was staring into space whilst Tom was talking to Amy.

‘What?’ I said automatically.

‘I’m going to the Haunted House to meet someone. I’ll leave you here to talk and I’ll see you later,’ and before I could say anything in response, he walked off, leaving me with Amy who was waiting for me to sit down, I presumed.

‘Er…’ I said, ‘may I take this seat,’ I said.

‘Of course,’ Amy said smiling at my ridiculous question. She watched me settle myself down. Does she know that I like her? What has Tom said? Should I admit my affection towards her or not? What the heck should I do and talk about? I guess I’m going to sit here in awkward silence for the rest of eternity until Tom comes back, even though I know he won’t. Should I ask her what her favourite colour is? No, that would be a stupid question, why would anyone consider that a good question to start a conversation with. How about what her hobbies are? No, I don’t want this to be a simulation of a speed dating program. Should I say something about what’s happening on the stage? About the fair? That would be good. Start a conversation about something relevant. I can do that. Can I do that? I don’t think I can do that? No, I can. But what do I ask? About the fair itself or about this talent competition. Well, considering that we’re sitting inside a talent competition tent, I think it would be preferable for me to ask a question about that.

But why does it have to be a question? How about a statement instead? Maybe I could start off with something witty? No, I can’t say something witty for it may backfire and make myself look like a complete idiot, even though I think I am successfully achieving that by just sitting here in silence.

‘So, come here often,’ I said without thinking. Why did I say that? Amy looked at me with a confused expression. That told me all that I needed to hear. Of course she wouldn’t have come here before because this is the first ever time this fair has been here.

Her confused expression slowly moulded itself into a smile and she started to laugh. Yep, becoming a laughing stock is all what is in front of me now.

‘Tom said you’ll be nervous, but I didn’t know you’ll be this terrified,’ Amy said regaining herself.

‘Sorry,’ I said.

‘What you saying sorry for?’ she asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. ‘Let’s change the subject.’ I couldn’t be more relieved. ‘Are you planning on performing?’ she asked me.

‘No,’ I said, ‘I don’t really have a talent,’ I said.’

‘You must have some talent,’ she said, then quickly looked away as she thought that she had said something offensive.

‘Well,’ I started to answer shrugging off how she said that and moved on, ‘I can recite the recite the entire Elements Song.’

‘Awesome. I’m pretty handy with a knitting needle, although I haven’t done any knitting in a long while, must be a few years now. But it’s nothing that would be suitable for this kind of place. Yours might be, though.

‘I doubt I would be able to get up there and perform even if I was paid a lot of money,’ I said. Of all the things I could have said to describe how nervous I am, I said that.

‘I know what you mean,’ she said, nodding. ‘There’s no what I will be able to get up on stage and perform. I did so once before when I was younger and hated the entire experience so much I vowed never to step foot on a stage again, unless it’s for any reason that doesn’t involve me performing in front of a large crowd. I shudder every time I think about all those people staring at me, waiting for me to make a complete fool of myself. You know what I mean?’

I nodded. ‘I had never performed before, but I freeze up whenever I’m asked to talk in front of people. Speaking of talking to people,’ I tangent off slightly, ‘I liked your speech about time travel the other day. You didn’t seem scared about talking in front of us lot.’

‘That’s because I’m familiar with all of your faces,’ she said, ‘if I had to do that speech in front of the entire school, I would run away faster than a Cheater after its prey. Anyway,’ she said after the football act had ended and the show went on a break whilst it set up the next act, ‘I fancy getting some coffee. You want to join?’

‘Sure,’ I said.

‘Cool,’ and we both stood up and both walked towards the exit at the same time. ‘I know of a stool that sells the best coffee in the world. They ground up the beans right in front of you so to keep them as fresh as possible. I had a cup when I came in and fell instantly in love, but that’s probably because I was half asleep at the time.’

‘Awesome,’ I said. Anything else… no… OK. So, I guess I will just follow Amy out of the tent, then.

At least I can say that this is going better than I had expected.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

My book, Sector 22: Zoey, is now available on Amazon, eBay, and SkyCat Publications' website:



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