Friday 14 October 2016

Video of the Week: Cleaning Gavin’s Desk (by Achievement Hunter)

I can’t stop watching this. There’s a sense of disbelief that what happened actually happened that you need to see it happen multiple times just to let it sink in, but I the more I watch it, the more I want to go back and watch it again. I don’t think I’ve ever watched a video, or a specific moment in a video over and over again as many times as I have with this video since when Nerdcubed’s glider’s wings flew off a couple years back.

Being only 3 minutes long, I was disappointed that they didn’t include more people’s reactions. What would Geoff say? What would Burnie say? What would Matt say? All these answers are probably within either their main Rooster Teeth Podcast, or Achievement Hunter’s own, Off Topic, but I don’t want to go hunting for the answers, I need them as soon as possible just to have some sort of closure.

Rooster Teeth have built up a reputation of being a laid back company in which you are allowed to have all the fun in the world in between getting their work done, and it’s these moments that make for entertaining content.

The moment Gavin casually and rhetorically questions Jeremy’s question to axe kick his desk, I knew that something big would happen, but I wasn’t sure what exactly. You could say the if the table didn’t break, then why would they upload it. Well, if it didn’t, then they would have uploaded the kick anyway because no one would know what would happen if his leg remained upright. Jeremy would have been disappointed, yet probably relieved that nothing happened, and Gavin would also, and they would have laughed about it on the podcast and then it would officially be in the past and things can move forward as normal.

When he lifted his leg high into the air and started to bring it down, I really hoped it wouldn’t go through either, which I guess added to the shock when, as soon as the heel connected with the table and entered the point of no return, I was too shocked that it actually happened to laugh.

After about the fifth viewing, I turned my attention to the comments because I wanted to see if I could find that one comment that regarded the entire video as being a scripted setup. But I couldn’t find a single one, and I wasn’t disappointed. It couldn’t be any more genuine, especially their reactions afterwards of utter disbelief. I knew it wasn’t fake, but a part of me did question its authenticity because, I guess, I automatically thought about if this happened in any other company, in any other office, despite how relaxed its atmosphere was. How quickly would they get fired?

Apart from the main feature, the best moment comes straight afterwards, when Michael is just standing there, fully accepting the fact that he told them so. He didn’t have to say anything other than just stand there and smile smugly, and that’s just as funny as actual incident itself. Also, if you pause it right before the moment of no return – which is at 1:11 – you can see Gavin’s forefinger and thumb lightly supporting his TV, as if he believes that nothing bad will happen.

At the very end of the video, just before it fades to black, you can hear Jeremy saying, with acceptance, “that’s a gif”. And so, if you wish not to keep rewinding the video over and over again, I have made a gif of that moment, which you can view below. No more words need to be said.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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