Friday 21 October 2016

Video of the Week: How The Avengers: Age Of Ultron Should Have Ended – Part One (by How It Should Have Ended)

Normally when I pick a video, I try and add something extra, either by expanding on the topic raised via my own opinions and observations on the matter, or ask explore a couple of questions I had when watching it because I was interested to see what I could find regarding the answers, but this time’s different. I don’t really have anything to add nor do I have any questions I would like to try and answer. I enjoy this video and I highly recommend not only just this video, but their channel as well. My favourite moments in any one of their videos are the café scenes between Batman and Superman. Their banter is perfectly written and brilliantly parodies the comic book characters with a slightly over exaggerated persona. And over time, those scenes started to grow in popularity and developed naturally, until the villains started to have their own bar. Both places are prominent in this video.

How it Should Have Ended focuses on those moments where movie logic takes control. No matter how perfect a film is, there are always those moments that don’t quite add up for various reasons, whether it is a slight plot hole or a massive one, or where logic was bent slightly to make way for the climatic and epic showdown at the end. These types of videos comically highlight those moments for parodic reasons.

The video started off like any other one of theirs, by showing Ultron taking complete control over anything, because it in a way does make sense. Ultron is a true artificial intelligence within Loki’s septa, where the Mind gem sits in as well. The Mind Gem being a small pebble-like object with immense power. In the film, it’s explained why Ultron wasn’t able to do what he was shown to do in the video, because Tony Stark’s own made A.I., J.A.R.V.I.S., which was thought to be destroyed, was actually hidden deep within the internet doing whatever it can to stop Ultron from taking full control over all electronics. True artificial intelligence that is incredibly smart and can think for itself competing against a human-made network. There is something about that, that doesn’t make much sense, and so it does seem logical that J.A.R.V.I.S wouldn’t be able to do anything to help. However, the MARVEL fan-boy inside me has started arguing that Tony just didn’t know himself how powerful his A.I. is, and so J.A.R.V.I.S. naturally and secretly developed into something far more than what we see in the first Iron Man films, but let’s not get into that. Ultron is far superior – logically speaking.

And with the world void of any technology and Ultron successfully initialising his plan to drop a massive city from the sky, wiping out the world for a new beginning, he stops off to brag about his plan at the villain bar, where it suddenly dawns on the Joker what is about to happen, just before it’s too late. We cut to Superman and Batman sitting in the café just before it’s wiped out also. This is the stand out moment of the entire video for me and so many others as well. Batman just sits there, completely unaffected, casually sipping his coffee. How? Because He’s Batman, of course.

He doesn’t need superpowers, he is Batman. Superman rewinding time by flying around the world backwards will always be abused for comic effect, and I am perfectly OK with that. Also, and this is my interpretation of the situation instead of something else, but at the very beginning of part two, when he completes his catchphrase, “because I’m Batman”, he isn’t unaffected by the reversal of time either. How? Because he’s Batman, of course.

Since this video came out last year, there has been plenty more scenes between Batman and the latest one, How Suicide Squad Should Have Ended saw Batman finding out about the bar where all the villains meet up, so I am looking forward to where that is going to go, and what he’s going to do if he ventures inside. There are a fair few villains in there, and some of them do have extraordinary powers. But that doesn’t matter because Batman will be able to take them all on. How? Because he’s Batman, of course.

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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