Monday 13 November 2017

Mum's Monday: How to Train Your Dragon

There is more to this film than the name suggests and what meets the eye, when watching it. This shows how people can be wrong and what lessons we can learn, or how we can make the world a better place for all the inhabitants, people and animals alike.
This film shows what the lack of information and the correct, factual, knowledge can result in and the damage it can do.

It then shows what being kind and if you do something kind or good for someone or something, it can pay off. (although you should do good with no intention of being rewarded, that should be a bonus and you should do things because of the kindness of your heart)

The film shows what learning and studying can achieve and how the innocence of children can absorb information.

When Hiccup (Voiced by Jay Baruchel) helps a dragon, he goes on to name Toothless they form a connection, this is my favourite part. Hiccup discovers how things are in the dragon world. He goes on to find out more and more and as a result changes his whole communities outlook on the dragons.
My least favourite part is seeing the dragons getting hurt. As we see in the film they all have feelings to. It is nice to see it all work out in the end though. Although Hiccup putting his newly found knowledge to use defeating the dragons in the arena is well played out.

This shows how one person armed with his learned knowledge can change things for the best. It goes to show you should never under estimate a child or an underdog for that matter.

If the film hadn’t have turned out the way it did Hiccup (I hope) would have grown up and started a whole new way with the knowledge collected during his child hood years, but it is good to see Hiccup being listened to, as a child.

It is a good way of expressing how the world can be changed for the better, even in real life. This is an entertaining example of adults don’t always know best (I am an adult I still am learning new ways of doing things)

It is a great film to watch as a child or an adult, there is a lot to learn from it.

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