Saturday 11 November 2017

The Watch – Part 221:

(Tom’s perspective)
When we arrived back at the site, Tim and I unloaded the trolley, and we had built up an appetite. As we were unloading, all of the people crowded round, waiting for when they are allowed to grab their breakfast. They stood there, patiently, knowing exactly what the rules are. Once we had unloaded all nine boxes, Tim said to the crowd.

‘As you know, because Tom is new ‘ere, he is allowed to have first pick,’ and then he turned towards me and said, ‘and once you’ve had your breakfast, would you mind coming with me again whilst we drop the trolley back. On the way back, we’re going to grab the drinks.’

‘Sure,’ I said, casually. My stomach rumbled at seeing the boxes of food in front of me. I think it’s a fair compromise.

‘Then dig in,’ Tim said. It did feel weird going through these boxes with everyone staring at me, I didn’t want to take what someone else wanted, even though I’m pretty sure they have no idea what is in these boxes. But to be on the safe side, I chose the standard cheese sandwich, a packet of plain crisps and a mars bar, of which there were plenty of each, so there would still be enough for if anyone else wants them.

‘Are you happy with what you’ve picked,’ Tim asked.

‘Yes,’ I said.

‘Then tuck in,’ he said. ‘And for the rest of you,’ he said to the crowd, ‘eat well.’ Whilst they advanced towards the boxes, I headed back to my tent where I climbed inside, opened the packet of sandwiches and the crisps, grabbed a handful of the crisps and inserted them into the cheese sandwiches, made sure they weren’t going to fall out and started eating. I haven’t done this in years. I don’t know what made me do it now, I just did it. After I had finished the sandwich, I cleaned up the rest of the crisps and reached for the mars bar before deciding to save that for later, so I tucked it under my pillow and climbed back out of the tent.

Tim had already finished his breakfast and was waiting for me to finish mine.

‘Ready,’ he asked, jumping up with enthusiasm after getting a new dose of energy.

‘I am.’

‘Do you want to pull the trolley or shall I?’ he asked.

‘I’ll do it,’ I said, wanting to prove that I am a part of this team as everyone else is. I knew that revealing that I’m from a parallel universe would make him question my loyalty, and if I can make it so there aren’t any more complications, then things would be alright. However, I think I’m asking a bit much of the situation. Being here is the first good thing that has happened since coming here, I can at least try, can’t I?

So for the second time today, Tim and I headed out of the site and back to the shop. I did think it was a bit strange that we didn’t swing round and pick up the drinks whilst heading back from the shop we got the food from. I just think it would save so much time if we done both on the same trip. I was about to ask Tim why, but I hadn’t better as questioning his methods and leadership might dig me further into an already deep hole.

‘I know that you are deliberately leaving out certain bits of information,’ Tim said. Now it makes sense. Collecting the food and the drinks together is the normal way of doing things, but he made it so we had to go out again, allowing him to try and probe me for further information. I should have predicted that, if I’m honest instead of thinking about whether or not I should question his leadership. I should have predicted that from the very moment he said that he’s going to discuss things further with me earlier. ‘Is there any reason why you are keeping those bits of information from me?’ I don’t understand why he is as interested in this as much as he is. I never expected this kind of behaviour. I hoped he would respect that I didn’t want to talk about why I’m here, not keep pressurising me – for lack of a better phrase – for my story. Does he have a motive that I haven’t worked out yet, or what? If Sebastian could come here and take me home now, that would be nice. No… OK. So what do I say? I could just spill all the details and let Tim deal with that… Actually, that’s not a bad idea… No, hear me out. Does it actually matter what I say or what I do? I mean, once Sebastian comes and takes me home, I won’t have to come back here ever again, and they won’t be seeing me ever again, so what effect will it have on me personally? I think that sounds selfish.

But if things go from bad to worse if I do spill the details, and Sebastian doesn’t come and take me home any time soon, I will have to deal with those repercussions, and that may be too much for me to handle, especially if I want to continue with my low profile.

Or, there is a third option. Just make it up. They say fiction is more believable than the truth, and in this case, the truth is literally very strange. No, I can make it up. I won’t be able to answer any questions Tim is bound to have without making him a bit suspicious of their authenticity. I have to tell him the truth.

I could leave that place and go somewhere else. But where, though? Exactly. I think I will have to take a risk and just tell him. Maybe by answering any questions he has with the confidence that they are the truth, he would be able to understand?

I sighed as I gave in and started to explain my story.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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