Monday 16 April 2018

Mum's Monday: Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit


The film starts off, with Deloris (Whoopi Goldberg), having hit the big time in Las Vegas. She is singing songs representing he life history. It is also nice to see her include and enhance, her time in the convent, which, ultimately launched her success, and who should turn up, only to be called up on stage, to be part of the show, 3 of the nuns, Sister Mary Robert (Wendy Makkena), Sister Mary Patrick (Kathy Najimy) and Sister Mary Lazarus (Mary Wickes). It is nice to see Deloris refer to them as friends. The Sister Act does go astray, but this is amusing to watch.

It turns out, Deloris has been summoned by Mother Superior (Maggie Smith). It is lovely to see the warm welcome, they give each other. I am not sure a nun should use ‘Guilt’, but Deloris is persuaded and she is back in the habit, as an undercover teacher, as Sister Mary Clarence, at her old school.

It is amusing to see, when a surprise, isn’t necessarily a surprise, when she first sees her room. Later on there is, another funny part is when the head master, Father Maurice (Barnard Hughes), is not sure if there is, still a music class for her to teach, and the food, needs more than a prayer, but it is all it is going to get.

The script at the meeting between Father Maurice and Deloris is really well written, she untangles the situation in a clever way, and as a nun you shouldn’t lie, as, as Deloris pointed out there would be consequences.

As Deloris is trying to find her way around, she witnesses the other lessons, she gets a small insight into the school’s operations, until, Father Ignatius (Michael Jeter), comes to her rescue. So the music lessons start, with tough nails, and another fun one liner, later on when Deloris asks for money for resources, it is pointed out the school hasn’t even got the balls to play soccer.

Although, Deloris is, wanting to do her best, the students, are yet to show respect. The glue on the chair scenes, however fun to watch, prove has a hard job ahead of her.

Next, one piece of information, changes everything, and the film becomes serious. As the film progress, it is sad to see Rita Watson’s (Lauryn Hill) reaction to the new day in the music class. However, after much discussion, the choir is formed.

I am glad, to see, that the students find out, what could happen to the school, and the film gets serious again, but for the sake of the children, this is a good thing. The film soon becomes fun again, and it seems, no one is having lamb chops tonight.

It is unfortunate to see Rita, in her situation with her mum, bearing in mind, she is in the vicinity of an opportunity. Rita needs help and up steps Deloris. It is lovely to see, her encouragement works.

As the film continues, the choir is performing in front of the school, and a shocking part is when Ahmal (Ryan Toby), whilst singing his solo, hits a note that astounds Deloris.

It is nice to see the nuns have faith, in the music class/choir, and they are entered into the contest, and so the fun but, hard work begins. However, not everyone is having such a fun time singing, as we see Rita’s mum Florence Watson (Sheryl Lee Ralph) continue to put forward her opinion. I know we all have to face a certain amount of reality, but who knows what is out there.

The film, now takes off in a different, seemingly darker, direction, with Deloris being found out, dodgy driving and Rita defying her mum. This works to enhance the film and sets up what the students, including Rita, find out at the end.

The film gives a good insight, into, what goes on at a competition, from behind the scenes, to the other contestants, good or bad. It also shows, that the same song can be sung in 2 different ways, one way being, in an eclectic, well mixed together, choir and music types, minus their robes.

After all the hard work, Mother Superior, now owes Deloris a favour, and it is nice to see, mother and daughter reunite.

Overall this film seems to be cleverly based around, showing respect for one another, and being set in a school, this is a good lesson to learn.

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