Monday 2 April 2018

Mum's Monday: Sister Act

When the film starts, with a young Doloris (Isis Carmen Jones) at school. You see the lack of, treating the children as individuals, although they make fun of it, there is a deeper meaning, as we see further on, throughout the film. Deloris’ passion is for music and with, yes a few or a lot of obstacles, pit falls and sacrifice, she eventually excels in her passion. The school scenes set up the film, but Deloris still defies the odds, showing, sometimes it is a good thing to stand out to start with, before all the success.

Soon we see the events in the film, that shows, you can practice, all the speeches there is, but if something catches you off guard, plans can change, also a chase through a hotel is not complete without the obligatory run through the kitchens and the chaos it causes.

I feel, Lt. Eddie Souther (Bill Nunn), must have felt he had hit the mother load when an older, and now the mistress of a gangster called Vince LaRocca (Harvey Keitel), Deloris (Whoopi Goldberg) turns up at the police station.

Now he has to keep her safe, and so Deloris’s sacrifice in St Katherine’s convent begins. Nuns, as part of their vows, have to take her in. it takes some adjusting, and so Deloris becomes Sister Mary Clarence. It is good only Lt. Souther, knows where Deloris is, you never know who you can trust.

This film shows more depth with Deloris, facing some home truths about her life. I don’t however, learning some truth, kept her awake but the choir certainly did.

When she first moved in to the convent, she thought she knew what to expect, but her expectations change, as she gets to know the other nuns.

The film suddenly takes off in a different direction, one comment from Sister Mary Roberts (Wendy Makkena) and Deloris, inadvertently leads 2 nuns astray. After this misadventure, Deloris, is to join the Choir, and now we see, after an excruciating and ear-splitting start, Deloris becomes the choir master, and so the first transformation begins.

At last we come to the reason I bought the DVD, of this film, the choir is singing in the church/Mass on the Sunday, and Sister Mary Roberts is a member of the choir, and when she sings her solo parts, it turns out she has one of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard.

As well as this, the music is calling the public in the church to come and enter to hear more of it. However, this doesn’t go down well with everyone. It is disappointing to see, but giving the situation, they may have a point, in that, Deloris is only a temporary placement and the whole point is to lay low, but, this isn’t the case and so the second neighbourhood transformation begins.

There is a funny part where during these scenes a nun get squirted with oil whilst they are working on a car. Also as we have seen, Deloris is not that good at laying low and disappearing into the background and she has some near misses, of being found, we see success, attracts a news team and cameras. Lt. Souther is not happy.

However, Deloris keeps doing what she does best and I like how the songs the choir sing is adapted, one example is ‘My Guy’ originally sung by Mary Wells to ‘My God’.

It is disappointing to see the Mother Superior (Maggie Smith), appears to have no faith in the program, that will be presented to the Pope (Eugene Greytak). However, the song ‘I Will Follow Him’ originally sung by Little Peggy March, is not only appropriate, but perfect for the show.
We now see Mother Superior pointing out what she feared would happen, I also see the Deloris realises, time is running out. She seems to have, had almost forgotten, that her position was only temporary, and that it is the nuns lives she is messing with.

All of a sudden, things take a turn for the worst and Deloris, has been located, but as she has grown in character, she has learnt, there are more important things in her life than in the one she left has behind.

When all the truth comes out, all the nuns stand by her, including Mother Superior, who has also grown in character, throughout this film.

An amusing part, and the poor helicopter pilot (Kevin Bourland), didn’t stand a chance. Another amusing part, is when Deloris acts just like, you would expect a nun to act, she prays and it helps her get away. We see even the villains Joey (Robert Miranda) and Willy (Richard Portnow), have standards.
Also to see all the nuns leave, run from the helicopter is a fun scene to see.

The villains, find it hard to locate Deloris, as one nun looks like another nun. Another amusing line from Mother Superior is when she says ‘Try to blend in’. it is funny as, nuns are not often a regular sight in Reno.

It seems, temptation is hard to resist, as we see one of the nuns hit the jackpot, much to the disapproval of the Mother Superior. It is good to see that nuns are still human after all.

We continue to see Deloris trying to escape the villains, and getting a shock when she meets up with Mother Superior. The nuns, seem to have learnt a lot, from their experiences, one thing they learn is, Deloris has all the qualities of a nun, without being a nun. The end of these scenes are heart-warming to watch.

After all the excitement, the show for the Pope, goes off without a hitch, which is good to see as they’ve all been through enough prior, and again Sister Mary Roberts, steals the show, much to her delight, singing for the Pope.

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