Tuesday 17 November 2020

Mum's Monday: The Incredibles

In the interviews at the start of this film they might have a point, I agree with what they said. This is worth listening to when you first put this film on. It's an interesting take on superhero-ing. They are being interviewed as if they were normal people, because although they have superpowers, they are just generally normal people - a trope that is portrayed thoughout the movie. Normal family, 

It seems crime fighting never ends and just what Mr Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) wants a hanger on ‘Fan’. The ejector seat was a surprise, but I realise I should have guessed. Shame that it only worked for the short term.

Pixar does what other animation studios are too afraid to do, and that's explore a few heavy topics. Mr Incredible saves someone who was attempting suicide, and as a result, is now being sued for causing him daily pain. It's never been portrayed before that someone of the general public didn't want to be saved, and whilst the scene is brief and the turn of events are told via narration, there's a lot to unpack from that one scene. Mr Incredible then was sued again after stopping a runaway train, because he injured people in the process. The public and politicans turn against him and all superhero kind, forcing them to live normal lives and keep their secret identity their only identity. This sets up the segue of seeing Bob Parr working in a cramped office space, battling it out with an pensioner on whether she was allowed an extension on her mortgage.

What is often not seen either when it comes to kids having superpowers, is them having fun using them. In most media, having superpowers at a young age is a great burden to have upon their shoulders, but Dash enjoys his powers and uses them with confidence that he will get away with what he's doing, even if what he is doing is pulling a prank - but what kid doesn't pull pranks. But with Bob Parr, who knows the value of keeping his powers a secret, can't always hide his strength, sometimes struggle. In a fit of rage he hurts in manager, something which causes his job and now has to relocate - and dreading that conversation with his wife, Helen, he gets annoyed with his car and picks up his car, presumably to smash it into pieces to let out some steam, but is caught by a child riding a tricycle. Normally, when a child says they've seen something as absurd as someone lifting a car, everyone would disbelive them instantly, but in a world full of people who are aware there are superpowered individuals walking around, makes you wonder what the child's parents would have thought when he told them what he saw.

Now things have just got ‘Super hero’ again, sorry all work conferences and the apparent ‘Middle age spread’ scenes are small but amusing to see. Is the robot defeated? Not quite. Now that's what I would call an ‘Inside job’. This is very clever.

You can safely say ‘No capes’ I can see why. They can be/are so dangerous. This is an eye opener as most superheroes wear capes.

I don’t agree with the secret being kept within a marriage although not for long with another new outfit(s). 

It is sad to see Mr Incredible’s past catch up with him, He went from wanting to work alone to needing someone there to help him and back him up, as Syndrome's plan was just too much for one superhero. This is an excellent way of potraying that life lesson.

It is interesting to see how you can, by being elastic you can be a parachute or a boat. It is like she is a ‘Shapeshifter’.

It is nice to hear that strength can come in many forms. Seeing Dash and Violet finding their powers and using them to escape the bad guys was action packed.

I want to say ‘Road trip’ but a jet plane is neither a car or on a road, for the whole family, I knew they were there somewhere, well not the baby, he is being looked after by someone who talks a lot.

This film is getting domesticated, the world is in trouble but the evening his wife has planned is more important and it seems that a woman can navigate afterall.

Yes, capes are dangerous, the baby has super powers and yes, I agree the ending is ‘Wicked’

This film is the first and has been recognised as having the best family of superheroes in it. The theory for this film is that the magic from the Pixar film ‘Brave’ has now evolved and given the family and the other characters in this film their special powers.

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