Monday 9 November 2020

Mum's Monday: Us

Episode one, The concept of this series is brilliant. The reaction to the separation conversation is well done and realistic. The flashback scenes are not great and seem, at the moment, to me, unnecessary. The list is well thought out and so the holiday begins. The flashback scenes are becoming clearer as to why. I suppose when there is a possible split you sometimes have to go back and try and recapture why a couple got together, fell in love and got married. I would say at the moment it is a typical holiday well as typical as it can be with an organised money conscious Dad. The scooters are a fun touch. Now, awkward in so many more ways than one. I have just realised that Douglas (Tom Hollander) and Connie (Saskia Reeves) are like and remind me of the characters Leonard (Johnny Galecki) and Penny (Kaley Cuoco) from the American sitcom series The Big Bang Theory. I wouldn’t like to think of them splitting up but this series Us is like a glimpse into their future as Leonard and Penny were newly weds and about to be parents as Penny was pregnant at the end of the show's run. This may sound strange but the scenario works for me.

Episode two, I am not sure about the conversation once the family arrives in Belgium. I like the reference to having walked from Brussels and now the relationship between father and son is saved for now, until well, when in Amsterdam. It is nice to see Douglas beginning to embrace the party mood. It is now sad to see that Douglas goes against his son and now Connie is obviously not happy, I hope it isn’t too late.

Episode three, The quiz was awkward. These scenarios give depth to Douglas’s character and although not over the top, I hope it doesn’t go that way. The series isn’t going as I thought but I suppose in the nature of this program things have to get worse before, I hope they get better. So much more worse. Now what? Sienna and worse. This is turning out to be a dark episode. I want to say I am glad Douglas and Kat (Thaddea Graham) have made a connection but there is just too much of the wrong information in the script before/until you get to the useful knowledge needed. I like where Douglas is staying. It is very resourceful.

Episode four, ‘It’s a trap’ no, and no it is not ‘A Crime to care’. It is heart-warming to see father and son reconnect. I cannot believe that Douglas broke up younger Albie’s (Charlie Archer) dinosaur. It is good to see a son and talking to his mother. Also it is amusing to hear that older Albie (Tom Taylor) is treating the hotel room well ‘Like a hotel’. Yes, Dad should go, it is lovely to see Douglas having fun, he should loosen up a bit more though, yes. Well well I didn’t see that information coming. Although some of it is amusing to hear, Douglas ever stops moaning and complaining. Oh no poor Douglas and yes, Douglas needs to rethink. It is lovely to now see Connie has arrived in Spain. Now back home and sadly back to reality. Yes, and wait and see what happens next. The ending did make me smile, some things just weren't meant to be and someone was meant to be. I can see that now.

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