Monday 2 November 2020

Mum's Monday: Under A Watchful Eye by Adam Nevill

I know you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, but on this paperback version, published in 2017, I love the grey atmospheric colouring and the image of the house/mansion. This is what first appealed to me to pick up and read the back paragraph and then to read this book.

If Seb is correct in who he thinks is watching him I have to ask that with the doubts that Seb has why doesn’t he ‘Google’ him. I did wonder if he had the means with his laptop but then remembered that he was going to ‘Google’ the ‘Doctor’, so yes, Seb has the means to find out what happened to this person. So far this is a really good book. At last, I like that it now mentions searching the web. It may be a long shot, but like I basically said it is worth doing.

I like that Seb has someone to confide in, but sadly, this still leaves some unanswered questions. 

I was glad that someone else had seen what Seb was seeing, but I don’t like how it affected her. I also don’t like the idea that Seb will now be on his own again going through a terrible time either.

If you want to read this book you need a strong stomach. Some of the descriptions in this story could turn a stomach quite easily.

This book has taken a different turn as to what I had expected. What does Ewan want? I am not sure whether Seb should help or not. Although I can picture a better Ewan to come, what I can picture and what actually could happen later on can be two very different things. As you can see this book can make you think up possible future scenarios within it so I don’t want to put this book down to see what really happens in this story.

Whilst reading a part about Ewan having stayed at Sebs a second night this reminded me of the film(s) Insidious with Patrick Wilson where a person is basically in two places at once like an out of body experience. It is sad to read about what happened afterwards. This book is clever, dark and although annoying to read that an uninvited visitor is creating so much disruption. I sense that things are about to change.

I can see two things, why Ewan went to Seb for help and more importantly why as despite Ewan being in his drunk and homelessness state he still knows his poems/poets. Sadly, now Ewan has seen how well Seb has done and he, in Ewan’s eyes, doesn't remember/know as much in literary terms. I can see how it doesn’t seem fair to Ewan. Also now with Seb finding out what Ewan can do, Seb is, it seems, stuck with an uninvited house guest.

This may seem premature but having heard Ewan’s story and with his written, sadly, short, manuscript I do think Ewan could be on to something good, I just hope Seb helps. I know there are a lot of issues between them but this could be a way of Seb making it up to Ewan. This story has now taken a dark turn. Whatever the thing is, it doesn’t sound nice at all.

The part about the, what I can only describe as, lost spirits from dead, bad people, is really well described. I was on tender hooks when Seb returned to his house. It is scary to think of a home being invaded like it was.

What I don’t like is Becky’s response, however, I cannot blame her. First, her and Seb were not close just, I would say that well known set up ‘Friends with benefits’ and second Becky was scared herself with what happened.

Things have turned very bad for Seb now. I can see both sides as one, Seb did make the complaint to the police, they could take that as a motive but two, you could look at it as why would Seb make the complaint effectively dropping himself in it as a suspect. I hope everything works out ok.

Although under not nice circumstances, I am glad that Seb has Ewan’s processions. I do believe Seb is the best person as it is good that he is professional enough to see the potential value in the papers. It is sad to think Ewan will not benefit from them though. The contents, the information within the paperwork is interesting to read. I can see why Seb is basically hooked now. 

I should have guessed, but it came as a surprise/shock to me that Seb is still being watched.

I am glad Seb has someone who can help him even though I didn’t really agree at how pushy Seb came across as. Although under the circumstances and with what Seb has been going through I agree he wants/needs answers and fast. I am so glad that Seb has now met Mark. Although it is not early days, it seems that they will work well together.

The description of what happened in the hotel is really well done. Although it is not exactly clear as to who or what, however, I get some idea, this mystery just, for me, adds to the horror of this book.

I can see why Seb was reluctant to include Mark also I can see why Mark was so excited and willing to take the risk. This book, for me, really builds a sense of strong adventure, even though it is just a house of some sort of ‘Cult’.

Once at the house it all becomes surprisingly/shockingly clear Seb has got himself into a right strange situation. I can see what Seb is useful to them but feel for Seb as he is effectively trapped, however much in denial he is in.

Well this book doesn’t end how I thought it would, this highlights, you should be careful what you wish for, however, I am glad that Seb seems to be having less visitors at last. So that was a good wish.

Sebs first book he had written for the two women in this story is intended to be published and out for Halloween so in light of this I am putting this blog out the Monday after the 31st of October, just as if Sebs book had come out on this date. This is the strangest horror book I have read, so call this blog my Halloween special. It certainly lives up to it and fits the bill as they say.

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