Monday 29 February 2016

Top Number: My Top 7 Mythbusters Episodes

For over a decade, the Mythbusters have been blowing everything and anything up in the name of science. The two main presenters, Adam Savage and Jamie Hynerman along with the build team, Tori Belleci, Kari Byron, and Grant Imahara, have been testing out anything between common misconceptions to the outright bizarre all to get an answer. If the myth is deemed impossible to recreate from the evidence given, it is busted, which gives them the greenlight to do whatever it takes to get a result they are happy with; if the myth can be recreated by with only in a specific way, it is deemed as plausible; but if a myth can be recreated and the result is exactly what they were looking for – and can be done so multiple times – then it is classed as confirmed.

The more popular myths the team tests out are the ones they find in the news, where a situation happened that many believe to be false, so they go ahead and test it to see if the newspapers or the article on the website is indeed true or not, however, they also collect myths from viral videos across Youtube and other such social media websites, and even from fans who’ve sent in their suggestions that they would like to see tested, but their most popular ‘myth generator’ is from the feature film. Hollywood is known for bending the truth slightly, and so they test to see if that person really was able to pull off that incredible stunt, or if that car really was able to fly like that; no questions are left unanswered.

If, after they have fully tested a certain myth and their fans are disagreeing with their results, the team will go ahead and retest the myth with any suggestions from the fans on how to get a better or the result they were looking for in the first place. There has been a couple of times throughout the show that they have gone back and retested a myth because they believe they have gained a lot more experience than what they had last time to really crank up the tests and get the results.

Due to the show now being in its final season, I thought it was the right time to talk about my top 7 favourite episodes. I will be listing what experiments they did in each episode but I won’t be giving away any of the results as they may be surprising.

Number 7:

Youtube Special – 2009 Season

The Mythbusters test myths taken from viral videos as seen on Youtube, including the match bomb, where if Adam and Jamie were to ignite 30,000 match heads it would create a huge fireball and if a car tire was spun so fast, would the friction generated from it set it alight, and if Grant Kari and Tori were to build a giant Lego ball completely out of Lego to see if it would roll down a hill without breaking.

While this may not be the first episode to feature a myth taken from a video clip, this is certainly the first episode to feature nothing but video clips. The original viral videos does leave you scratching your head wondering if what you saw was real or not, but you don’t have to wonder anymore, because the answers are all jam-packed into this one episode.

Number 6:

Duct Tape Hour 2 – 2010 Season

Can Adam and Jamie built a bridge with nothing but Duck Tape, can Grant a Tori reassemble a car that has been torn apart by Kari, can Duck Tape hold keep a car suspended in mid-air, and can Duck Tape stop a car travelling at 60mph?

This is the second of many duct tape specials the team have made over the course of the show and while each episode feature Duct Tape does go one better than the one previous, I picked this episode in particular because this is the second special featuring nothing but the power of Duck Tape. I mean, Duck Tape must be a powerful and versatile product if they have to pick it up again to see if they can do anything else with it.

Number 5:

Plane Boarding – 2014 Season

What is the best and most efficient way to board a place? Adam and Jamie tests various different ways with the help of a group of fans of the shows acting as volunteers. Whilst they are doing that, the built team are testing if someone can really catch a bullet in their teeth.

Boarding a plane shouldn’t be a stressful experience, yet it is because we simply do not know who is allowed to board first, whether it is the people who pre-booked, the people with new-born babies, or anyone with a first class ticket. We simply do not know, so we all go at once instead and then spend a long time being processed before finally being able to board the plane. I was quite surprised when they showed the results of their experiments. The reason why I am putting this episode here, is simply because this episode can be used to help an everyday event in some way.

Number 4:

James Bond: Parts 1 and 2 – 2008 Season

In the first episode, Adam and Jamie test to see if an electromagnet hidden in a wristwatch can deflect bullets and if a speedboat can land safely and continue driving after jumping off a ramp, and the build team test to see if a person can shoot a propane tank with a 9mm and make it explode.

The second episode featuring myths from the James Bond movie franchise, saw Adam and Jamie testing to see if a Ballpoint pen bomb can be used to completely destroy the top half of a mannequin, and if a person can actually use a set of metal teeth to bite through a cable car’s cable, and the build team test to see if a statue’s head can be knocked clean off with a metal brimmed Bowler hat.

The James Bond franchise stretches over 5 decades, so it doesn’t surprise anyone that it comes with its fair share of moments that leave you aghast. Of course, they are films and so aren’t meant to be taken literally, but it doesn’t stop you wondering if there is a hint of possibility in there somewhere. How cool would it be if they turned out to be true?

Number 3:

Airplane Hour – 2007 Season

Another episode featuring planes, but this time, it is completely devoted to them instead of just focusing on one myth. This time, Adam and Jamie test to see if an untrained passenger can land a plane via instructions from the air traffic control center – this myth is based on the movie, Airplane. The build team test a number of myths which focuses on skydiving: Whether you can have an audible conversation whilst skydiving; whether a person can freefall for a certain amount of time before opening their parachute; and if someone jumps out of a plane, can someone jump out after them and catch them before they hit the ground.

The odds of the first myth actually happening is very unlikely, but if it were to happen, it would be nice to know if it is possible, and if you were to go skydiving for the first time, having the knowledge of what will happen during may help you, but if you don’t fancy skydiving at all, then you can simply sit back and enjoy the episode.

Number 2:

JATO Rocket Car: Mission Accomplished? – 2013 Season

There is a valid reason why there is a question mark in the title. This is the first ever myth Adam and Jamie ever tested on the show, and the result wasn’t what they were expecting. Everything went right, but it didn’t go right. Now, ten years on, they have accumulated many more years of experience, so they decided, to celebrate ten years of mythbusting, to go back to the very beginning and retest the myth that got away. Now, with many more hands, they were able to go bigger and better with making sure that everything would work as planned so they can get that one last definitive answer that they have been searching for, for ten years.

Throughout the entire episode, you can clearly see how much they have grown since the beginning. They are a lot more comfortable within their own shoes meaning they know exactly what they are doing. All they want is for a car to fly like a rocket into a side of a mountain. How hard can it be?

Number 1:

Tanker Crush – 2016 Season, and Hollywood Car Crash Clichés

That’s right, I’ve picked two episodes to be joint first place. I did so because I couldn’t decide between them. I thought about putting one of them as number 2, but in the end I decided they were as equally as good.

The first episode features Adam and Jamie fill railroad tanker with steam, seal it up and see if it crushes under its own pressure. They spend the entire episode trying various ways to make it crush. I will give away the end result: It’s Busted. They cannot make the crush under its own pressure. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t ever unsuccessful. They do eventually and the end result is so satisfying to watch, I could watch it over and over again without ever getting bored. A giant piece of metal such as that tanker suddenly being flattened with nothing but the power of pressure is unbelievable. I cannot imagine what it would look like if I was actually standing there, waiting with continuously growing intensity when any second the entire think could collapse.

Throughout its entire run, there is only one other episode, in my opinion, that ends with an incredible satisfying result and that is, the Hollywood Car Crash Clichés, in which Adam and Jamie tests whether a car can crash through a sheet of class without injuring the two people carrying it, and if a truck travelling a high speed can plough through two lanes of traffic. The build team test whether a vehicle will flip over when being blown up instead of just staying where it was.

The experiment featuring the truck and the traffic jam ends with one of the best conclusions to an episode they’ve done. It’s yet another episode that I could watch over and over again, just for that one moment.

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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