Saturday 16 July 2016

The Watch – Part 92:

Have you got the cameras, the research notes, the laptop, and the torch?’ Amy asked.

‘You know I do, you made me double check it twice before we left.

‘Well, with everything that happened, what do you expect?’

‘Good point.’

‘So where do we start,’ Amy said, looking around the area.

‘I would be lying if I knew that answer,’ I copied her actions of looking around the area, studying the site, drinking in everything about it. It really did look abandoned. It was old and run down with age and rejection. The roof looked like it was going to collapse in at any minute, making me nervous to enter as I may not come out in one piece. All but one window on the side that I can see was broken, but even then it had a huge crack running from the centre upwards. One light tap with your finger would send that smashing to the ground.

‘The door’s shut,’ Amy pointed out. ‘But it can’t be locked; I will have to leave that at some point, or if it isn’t me then it will be someone else. Maybe we should try the handle and have a look inside?’

‘I think we should have a look around the area first,’ I said, ‘this doesn’t seem that safe to go snooping.’

‘But it won’t fall down yet,’ Amy said, ‘for we know that it will be standing at some point in the future, so it’s safe for us to go looking for answers.’

‘That makes sense,’ I said.

‘Why am I sensing a but coming.’

‘But I think we should have a good look around the area to see if we can’t find anything that will help us in any way. Maybe we’ll find everything we need out here that will lead us inside,’ I suggested.

‘OK,’ Amy said reluctantly. ‘Of all the times you didn’t know what to say, you picked this time to know exactly what to say.’

‘Sorry,’ I said going along with the joke. I knew she meant that I was being reasonable, but didn’t want to admit it. If I were in her situation, I would be exactly the same way; pumped full of excitement, wanting to get as many answers as possible as quickly as possible. I understand everything that she is going through as I am technically in that situation. As well as helping Amy out with figuring out how she will be able to travel through time, I am finding out for myself as well, because I have that one thought at the back of my mind that I am praying doesn’t come true (but when it comes to time travel, it has already come true). I made a vow to myself that I wouldn’t tell Amy about the watch, but I fear that at some point I do.

‘Don’t be sorry,’ Amy said, ‘just get on with studying that half,’ she pointed over to the left, ‘and I’ll get on with studying that half,’ she pointed to the right before walking off. She only got a couple of steps away before turning immediately around and saying.

‘Can I have my camera?’

‘Oh, yeah, of course,’ I pulled out her camera from my bag and handed it to her.

‘Thanks,’ she said before turning back around and resuming her walk towards the right side of the station.

‘Watch out for trains,’ I said before making my way towards the left side of the station.

‘Will do, and you, too,’ she shouted and she disappeared behind one of the walls. I pulled out my camera and walked around to the other side, taking note of everything that I am seeing. It is entirely possible that it might come in useful at some point. This building was literally the definition of being stuck in a vicious circle. This building was sold because the company that owned it at the time couldn’t afford to refurbish it, and so they left and put it on the market. The only problem from then on was that it took a while before another company was interested in purchasing it, but when they came and inspected the site to see what needed to be done up, they discovered that the building had been sitting here, without any maintenance for so long that it would have costed them less if they just tore it down and built another one in its place. That’s when the mystery came in for whatever reason, they never followed through on their plans, and abandoning the station and putting it back on the market.

The vicious circle then continued until we get what is standing in front of me today. Of course, that mystery as to why it was left does strengthen the evidence of seeing Amy walk out of the front door in the video. I doubt I would be able to find the answer to that mystery here, but I am confident that I would be able to find some answers as to how Amy will be able to travel in time. If that is indeed Amy, but the girl in the video looked so much like her that it really had to be her. Even a doubleganger doesn’t look that identical. They say we all have one somewhere in the world. As much as I do want it to be Amy’s doubleganger, I can’t help but think that Amy is currently my girlfriend and I have the watch. That’s what’s leading me to believe that, one day, Amy will either find out by herself or I tell her about the watch.

This entire area doesn’t scream anything extraordinary and therefore not worthy of documentation via camera. It’s just a rundown building with a tonne of overgrown weeds all over the place. The windows were smashed, but the sun’s light is unable to penetrate through the shadow that is caused by the exterior of the building, disallowing me to see anything inside the building itself. I walked around the entire left side of the building, retracing my steps over and over again just in case that I had missed anything but always coming up with nothing. In the end, I moved around to the back of the station to where the platforms were and saw Amy mirroring my actions, but even she doesn’t appear to be taking any pictures. She looked up and saw me standing on the other side.

‘Anything,’ she called over.’

‘Nothing,’ I replied.

‘Me neither,’ she confirmed what I already thought. We made our way along the platform until we met up in the middle.

‘There’s nothing here,’ Amy said.

‘I agree.’

‘I mean, it’s possible that I could have missed something that is incredibly small and hidden away, but I don’t really want to be studying for hours, days, maybe longer on end and come up with nothing at the end of it.’

‘But that might have to be the risk we have to take,’ I said.

‘Or, everything that we’re looking for is inside,’ Amy said turning to face the building.

‘I hate to say it, but I think you’re right on this one.’

‘You mean I was right from the beginning,’ Amy said.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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