Tuesday 26 July 2016

The Watch – Part 95:

‘What do you want to do because I don't know what to do?’ Amy asked. ‘Leave or find out who that is?’

‘I’m not sure,’ I said. A loud noise of something fallen over followed by someone walking forward indicated that whoever was inside was getting closer. I’m surprised that I haven’t seen any light yet. Do they have a torch with them? It would be a pretty bad move to go into an abandoned building such as this one without any torches. Maybe that’s why they knocked something over. A body like shape rounded a corner and walked towards us. I lifted my torch up to see who it was.

‘Hey, you can blind someone with that,’ he said with his hands over his eyes. His tone of voice along with his actions implied that he wasn’t a threat. However, my instincts were still telling me to be cautious, even so, because no one knows what’s going to happen.

I lowered my torch away from his eyes and he righted himself.

‘Who are you?’ Amy asked.

‘I was about to ask the same question,’ he said. He had that kind of voice where you couldn’t quite picture the person it belonged to until you saw his face. It was deep, with a bit of cracking here and there as if he has a sore throat. I didn’t get a good look at his face due to only shining the light towards him for only a couple of seconds and him having his hands in front of it, but what I did see was that he was young, possible about the same age as Amy and I, taller than us, and that’s about it. I will get a better look at him when we exit this place. ‘But because you asked it first, I shall answer first.’ I didn’t see his figure bowing, but I could picture him doing just that as if to tell me he was even less of a threat than I first thought. ‘My name is Oliver Hunt and I’m doing a project on abandoned places. I live locally so I thought I would study this place first, get a nice feel of a place that has been left for years. Understand their history and such, you know,’ he explained. ‘And what about you?’ he asked.

‘Um,’ I said, trying to think of a good excuse as to why we’re roaming around this place. I knew that if we told the truth, we would be laughed at.

‘We’re more or less doing the same,’ Amy said, ‘except it’s not for a project, more of a curiosity thing, if you know what I mean.’ That was a good explanation; it didn’t quite twist the truth at all, just left a massive load of it altogether.

‘This place does get the mind turning, doesn’t it,’ he said looking around.

‘Pardon my saying,’ I said, wanting to get this question off my chest, ‘but don’t you have a torch or something to help you see around the place?’ I asked.

‘I do,’ he said, ‘but the damn thing went wrong just as I entered here. I know I said I only live locally, but it’s still too far to go then come back for I would then be roaming around this place in the dead of night, and no one wants to be doing that,’ he said. I nodded and so did Amy. ‘So I just thought I would get what I can today and then come back tomorrow with a fully functional torch,’ that setback didn’t bother him at all. He sounds like quite a laid-back kind of guy.

‘Well, we’ve got everything that we came in here for,’ Amy said. I looked at her with an expression that questioned, “we have?”, ‘so we’re just going to leave you to have a look around so we’re not getting in each other’s way.’ She turned on the spot and headed out.

‘See you around, I guess,’ I said before following Amy out into the open, dust free outside. It was now in the middle of the evening and the sun was about to hit the horizon disappearing for the rest of the day.

‘Bye,’ he said simply.

‘Tell me you have the same odd feeling about him as I do,’ Amy said as we walked away from the station. The traffic had picked up considerably since we were in the building. It must be in the middle of rush hour.

‘What do you mean by odd feeling?’ I asked, curiously. ‘I didn’t feel anything strange.’

‘There was something about his story that didn’t quite add up.’

‘What’s that?’

‘Well,’ she was about to say something before stopping to think about the explanation. ‘It’s just… this is going to sound weird, so I don’t want you to deny it.’

‘Amy,’ I said sternly, ‘after what we’ve seen together, there’s nothing you can say that is going to sound ridiculous,’ I said.

‘OK,’ she said, stopping in her tracks. ‘As you know, a station has two doors. One on the front where you enter and one where you exit after you’ve bought your ticket,’ Amy explained, setting up the scene for the punchline.

‘Go on,’ I said, wanting to know more.

‘Well, when we went around the back, did you see any door that could be opened?’ she asked.

I retraced my steps, but I couldn’t remember any door. ‘No, I don’t think there was.’

‘That’s because it was boarded up, which is why you didn’t pay any attention to it because it blended in with the rest of the building. And because we were so focused on finding any piece of anything helpful that we didn’t stop to pay attention to it,’ she explained, enlightening my imagination.

‘Are you going to say what I think you’re going to say?’ I had to make sure I was in the same boat as her.

‘Well,’ Amy said gingerly, ‘are you thinking that I’m about to say that he couldn’t have entered through the back way, which means he either entered through the front door after us…’

‘Or he was already in there when we were,’ I finished her sentence. ‘Which would mean he had lied about entering in through the back way.’ Amy was trying to put the pieces together.

‘There’s just something that doesn’t quite make sense about him, that’s all,’ she said running her hands through her hair.

‘Are you suggesting that we keep a close eye on him?’ I asked.

‘I think,’ she had that expression as if she had just put some pieces together, but they didn’t appear to link up properly, but it was the best she had and so she was going to walk with them, ‘and I’m only going by what I feel here.’ She then looked at me with a firm gaze and said, ‘he is the one that takes the video of me exiting the station….’


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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