Friday 8 July 2016

Video of the Week: GTA 5: The Amazing Adventures of Lemon-Man! – (GTA 5 Funny Moments) (by TheGamingLemon)

TheGamingLemon, one of my favourite Youtubers, creates some of the funniest and most entertaining videos I know. His editing style, complete with creative uses of sound effects and music stands out among the rest. The moment I first watched one of his videos, I was instantly hooked and I had to watch more. I subscribed to his channel and whenever a new video came out, I was ready to watch it as soon as I could.

I don’t really have a list of favourite videos by him, as each video offers something that stands out from the rest. His unique style doesn’t bore me or become predictable. He has been known to use some of his sound effects on a frequent basis, but the way they are used each time, you have no idea when they will appear, nor in what scenario, which brings back the unpredictability, and therefore originality that is his videos. However, there is one video that stands out more than the others, and immediately climbed to the top of the podium upon watching and hasn’t been knocked off. The Amazing Adventures of Lemon-Man is vastly different than anything he has ever done before, and even though he has released many videos since, it just hasn’t been topped.

I had only been subscribed to his channel for a couple of months when he announced that he was doing one gigantic project, and when he released a short clip to increase the hype, I was swept up by it, too. It was then another couple of days before the actual release of the video, but when it finally hit my inbox, I was ready to have a good laugh. This video was released on December 8th 2013 – which I cannot believe is now almost three years away – and even though he has released so many videos since then, this is still my all-time favourite videos of his.

Last week, I talked about the fan made Top Gear episode that was made in GTA 5. That video was made by utilising the very useful tool that is the director mode and the built in editing software that allows for some unique shots to create tension and increase the impact certain comedic elements that happened when making the episode. TheGamingLemon, however, didn’t have such tools. He had to rely purely on recording the entire episode via the default camera angles, and edit them later on in a separate editing software. At 31 minutes in length, with a story that has a beginning, middle, and end, full of jokes, sound effects, music, with only what the game allowed back then, that’s some achievement. The amount of effort that has been put into the creation of this monumental video needs to be brought up as well. He clearly enjoys what he is doing, and that’s clear when we watch what he releases.

The story revolves around two of the main characters from the game, Michael and Franklin. Michael, after wishing upon a star, receives super powers. Teaming up with his Franklin as his sidekick, Sour Boy, they attempt to rid the world of Los Santos from all crime. A job that proves to be more difficult and dangerous than they ever thought. As well as the funny moments, there is some tension and some sad moments, that fleshes out the story so much more.

I am hoping that he releases a sequel, but I won’t be disappointed if he doesn’t. Even though it ends with room for more story to be told, it is essentially a self-contained episode that I don’t know if he would be able to add more to make it another unique instalment. I did consider that viewpoint as jumping to conclusions, but at the same time, whenever I watch the video, I am always left with wanting more. If he can and does more, then great, but if he doesn’t, I will understand. Besides, he has released plenty of videos between then and now to satisfy everybody. With the amount of diversity, there is a video for everyone.

If you’re reading this article and haven’t heard of TheGamingLemon, then I would say, confidently, that this is the perfect video to introduce you to him, and at 31 minutes, that’s actually longer than some TV programs, and with only one or two adverts here and there, that’s a bonus. To compare with one of the TV programs I mentioned this video to be longer than, The Big Bang Theory, without advert, sometimes clocks in at 18 minutes long. This video is a full 13 minutes longer. A lot can happen in that time.

Before I leave you to watch the video, there is one more thing that I would like to talk about, that I feel needs to be addressed. TheGamingLemon’s release schedule is the only thing that’s unpredictable. It could be several days before another video is released, or several weeks. I do understand that there are plenty of reasons as to why he doesn’t have a fixed schedule, and I won’t be asking any questions as that would be diving into something that’s not my business, but one of the reasons, is quality over quantity. A lot of effort is put into each and every one of his videos, and that results in each video taking a long time to make. It’s understandable that he can’t release one video each day as some other YouTubers are doing. That’s my point – His popularity is due to the quality of his videos. On a side note, the same can be said for Vsauce. Vsauce’s videos are incredibly detailed with so much information from beginning to end – you can tell he has done his research and done it well, so he simply cannot release a video once a day. Their videos take time to make, and I’m OK waiting because I know that when one of their videos appear in my inbox, I know I will be in for a fun time.

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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