Thursday 26 October 2017

A Big Announcement

It has taken me a while, but I have finally released my second book, The Watch - Book 1. 

When I first started writing the story, The Watch, I was a project only for myself. It was something that I would do in the background and had no intention of publishing it. However, the more I wrote and the more the story developed, I was growing more and more proud of how of it all overall. My ultimate goal is to make a living out of my writing, and so I figured it would be a wasted opportunity not to release the story. 

To keep it from overtaking my projects in the foreground, I kept the story segmented in parts, with each one containing 1,000 words or more depending on what happens during that specific part of the story, and it worked in that format, and so I wanted to keep it that way. After many days thinking, the obviousness of a blog popped into my head and soon the first part was released, starting Sebastian Spencer's story and how his character develops as a result of being in possession of The Watch, a very powerful technological device that allows him to travel in time, to another universe, increase his physical strength, and many, many, many other things.

As of now, 217 parts have been released. I have so much I want to share with you; Sebastian's story is far from over. It took a few months, but my story steadily grew in popularity. My ultimate goal was still there in front of me - to make a living off my writing, which meant I needed to make a few opportunities if none magically popped up, and one of them is releasing the parts as a book. 

Making the transition from blog to book was easier than I first imagined it to be, purely because I had already cemented how I would like to present the story. Parts 1 - 50 is one story arc, and parts 51 - 100 is another story arc, and parts 1 - 100 collectively make one book. All I had to do was put all the parts into one continuous word document, self-publish it through Amazon, and push the publish button. The link for both Kindle version and paperback version are available at the end of this post. (Note: I only released the paperback version purely so I can hold the book in my hand, as a way of completing my achievement, and putting it beside my first book. If I can make a pile of my books beside me, I would be a happy person.)

I would like to thank each and every single one of you who has either read my story or read any article on my blog. It is still blowing my mind that someone, somewhere is interested in reading what I've written - it's something I don't think I will ever get used to.

Thanks again.

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson


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