Friday 6 October 2017

Random Topic Generator: Curing That Itch

Over the last few weeks I have been working flat out making sure my book is as best as it can be, and it's finally done. I'm happy with it. I set myself a deadline of 19th October, and although I've finished beforehand, I'm not going to release it until then just so I can have one last check through before hitting the publish button. 

I'm going to rest up and relax before moving onto my next project, but I know that after a couple of days of not writing, that itch will start creeping its way back into the back of my mind. That feeling where I want to write something. It's not a feeling of addiction, but a build up of thoughts and ideas which the only way of getting rid of them is to write them down, whether in an ideas book or as a full story.

However, I will need to rest otherwise I will burn myself out. If I keep continuing without frequent periods of relaxing, I may experience writer's block, an experience that I have felt before and wish not to feel again. If I do get that urge to write something, I do have a plan.

It's cheesy, it's nerdy, and it's something that some people react to with a face palm and a sigh. It's fan fiction.

However, for those that have just face palmed and sighed, I do have justification, and the first reason is because it's through fan fiction that I self-taught myself how to write. I had been writing for years before I considered it as something serious, and it's through fan fiction that I was able to increase my skill set and work out an kinks I had regarding the actual text. My other reason is because I will only but be building upon what is already there instead of creating something from scratch. With those two reasons, I will be able to cure my itch, relax, and learn some more. Or in other words, relax and be lazy for a couple of weeks whilst teaching myself a thing or two on the side.

It won't be a story I'll publish, however, but instead for myself only. It's just going to be something that's going to end up sitting in the corner of my hard drive gathering virtual dust until one day I discover and remember writing it, but if it cures my itch before my next big project, than that's all that matters to me.

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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