Monday 29 January 2018

Mum's Monday: Dunkirk

Warning spoilers

Based on a real life true event, during 2nd world war, Dunkirk is a film you simply have to; just watch. There aren’t many words within the script, but there doesn’t have to be and too many spoken words would ruin the impact of the film.

It gives an insight on what happened on both sides of the channel, in getting the boats ready, striping the unnecessary items out and loading in the life-belts.

We also see the role the air force took at the time of the evacuation of Dunkirk.

The film focuses on only a few characters, but what is unique about this film, one of the soldiers rarely says anything, we don’t know much about him, only that he is English.

What I found strange during the film, is that it kept swapping scenes between night and daytime, there wasn’t a sense of a time line, or a time of day.

The atmospheric scenes and the music, portrays the horrors of war without being too gory, which makes the film, easier to watch.

Some parts of the film are a little confusing, as to what is going on, which also made me want to keep watching to see what the outcome would be. Even though we know what happens as a result of Dunkirk, I still wanted to see what happened to the individual characters.

It is nice, after all the dark tension, to see the freshness of the scenes, where all the boats are making their way over to rescue the troops. It doesn’t last long, but this is a film set in war time.

It is an efficient film and does what it set out do, that is to tell the horrors as well as the heart-warming story of Dunkirk.

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