Monday 1 January 2018

Mum's Monday: Home Alone

The first part of the film is chaos, I wonder why anyone would plan a vacation, with 15 family members, children and adults, all packing at the same time.

During all this chaos, there seems time for one of the boys to tell an untrue story about a neighbour, Old Man Marley (Roberts Blossom) of theirs. Looks can be deceiving. This gives the film an air of menace.
A well placed policeman and with giving away too much information, sets up the events to come.
This film shows the importance of a ‘battery backup’ alarm clock, also a well-placed neighbours kid makes for a good head count.

All the things that had to come together, for them to leave Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin), was all well thought-out and a solid storyline, realistically done as well.

The burglars’, Harry Lime (Joe Pesci) and Marv Merchants (Daniel Stern) seem to be intelligent and know what they are doing, but the innocence of an eight year Kevin, has the element of surprise on his side.

He forms a resourceful plan of action, carried out to the highest standards.

Meanwhile in Paris, where the rest of the family have flown to, Kevin’s Mum, Kate (Catherine O’Hara) is trying to contact neighbours at home to check on Kevin. When she finally does get through to the authorities, it is annoying to watch, that they initially don’t listen and follow a pre- written script, which is not helpful. When they do listen and go and check on him, he doesn’t answer, this is so simple but things can get over-looked.

I am not saying every eight-year-old boy should watch this film, but I will say they probably shouldn’t try aftershave – twice!

As in most cases, the burglars are not as brainy after all, when they leave, what we would call a ‘Calling Card’, in this case running water, it signalled all the houses they had targeted.

During this film, I felt sorry for the pizza guy, but a whole ‘cheese pizza to himself, was an excuse for Kevin, to have a bit of fun getting it.

The most heart-warming parts (apart from the ending) is when Kevin finds out the truth about his neighbour, Old Man Marley, and when Kate gets a lift home with some performers, in their rented van. This proves, we would do anything to get home to our kid(s).

This film is a good insight into an eight-year-olds life who is Home Alone.

This film is fun and heart-warming to watch.

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