Monday 5 February 2018

Mum's Monday: My Sweet Valentine by Annie Groves

The first chapter in the book, sets up the storyline for the whole book, it is too long and in some places, goes on a bit and repeats itself, to the point where I was thinking ‘Yes I get the point, Olive doesn’t want her daughter, Tilly to marry Drew while she is still only 18 years of age, and while there is a war (World War 2) on’. This chapter can be cut down a bit and still have the same effect, for us the reader, to know what is happening.

The book is very well researched and gives a really good, in-depth view on, what happened during the blitz, the bombed out buildings/homes and what the firemen, of the time were up against. We only, normally hear, just about the bombs, this is insightful, as I read about, a group of people living through the war and witnessing the destruction all around them.

Chapter 3, in part gives us an insight into the various services that were there to help during the war, like the ARP wardens. Also how women found out, that they were capable of doing more, than was previously thought of them. However, it is still disappointing to see them feeling, still, over-looked for certain jobs.

This book is very informative, as to how and why, in wartime, they needed, fire-watching groups, on the roofs of buildings. I had heard of incendiary bombs, but I didn’t know how they worked and how much destruction they could cause. Now thanks to this book, I now know.

As I read through this book, some more chapters are longer than they need to be, but it is Drew’s secret, that keeps me intrigued, and makes me want to read on, also I wanted to see if it did work out for Tilly and Drew.

As I read through this book, there is further depth and an informative nature, of the bombings in London and in other cities, like Liverpool.

It is also realistic, in showing, Tilly’s continued reaction and rebellious comments, towards her mother, Olive, for her not allowing Tilly to marry Drew, this is well written and believable. Everyone else around them can see how Tilly and Drew are together, although Olive can also see she still refuses to change her views, towards them.

However, after an incident it is nice to see, something good come out of, the horrors of wartime. Olive has softened, and Tilly has a more of an understanding of the situation, she is in with Drew.

Drew’s secret, about the situation he was in back in the USA, which only strengthened Tilly and Drew’s relationship, wasn’t mentioned much until nearer the end, this kept me intrigued and kept me reading on. I liked the fact I was reading on to find out an end goal, this book built up to.

All throughout this book it had me questioning, ‘should a mother let what happen to her dictate, what she lets her daughter do’, there is a fine line between, dominance and protectiveness, but as we find out, if Tilly and Drew have forever, why rush things.

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