Thursday 15 February 2018

The Watch – Part 238:

(Tom’s perspective)
I found myself, once again, being escorted back to my cell. I think my requests were reasonable. Granted, a couple may be a bit imbalanced, but it’ll defiantly give them something to talk about. I doubt I would be in my cell for very long, the last time was anything to go by, but at least I’ll be able to have a good lie down once more, maybe.

‘If we give him anymore, his immune system may not be able to cope with it.’

What was that?

I looked around to try and spot who might have said that, but the only person who I can see is Peter walking in front of me. I wanted to ask if he had said anything, but I just know that he didn’t. I have no idea what is going on in this place, so anyone could have said it. All I can do is accept it and move on because the chances of finding out who actually said that is pretty much slim to none.

Once at the cell, Peter unlocked the door, slid it across and let me walk inside, and as soon as I did, he slid it shut once more, locking me in. He then turned on the balls of his heels and walked away, leaving me with my thoughts. I fluffed up my pillow and laid down.

And now I wait.

If the last time was anything to go by, I don’t have that long to wait for when Peter comes to collect me again. You know, I’m starting to get a little tired of constantly being ferried from one place to another. Can’t they do all that they want to do in one session. No, I guess that would be easy. This obviously isn’t the first time they’ve had a visitor. It would make things so much simpler. Unless the procedure states that they must discuss each step before advancing to the next one. What do I care anyway?

Without warning or any built up, the most intense headache I’ve ever experienced exploded throughout my head. It kept building and building until it was a full-on migraine, and it continued to intensify until it was something I wished I would never have to feel in my entire life: Cluster Headaches. I could barely think. I curled up in a ball, wishing it to go away, but it didn’t. My eyes starting watering with the amount of pain going through my head – it felt as if it was splitting in two.

What’s happening to me? Why is this happening to me? No matter what positioned I curled up in, nothing helped eased the pain. I tried yelling for some help, but no sound was generated. I’ve never heard of a headache rendering you moot, but then again, I’ve never experienced this before. I don’t understand how this could have happened. I tried backtracking over the last couple of minutes, but all I could think and feel was the headache.

I punched my pillow, trying to ease as much pain as I could, but that didn’t work in the slightest. I hope someone comes to collect me now so that they could help me. I don’t care what they do, I just want this headache to go. Please, this headache needs to go now. I have to get rid of this headache. I can’t bare it any longer. I have to do something. Anything.

I rolled over to my side, slowly getting ready to stand up. The room started to spin, and the more I tried to stand, the faster the room span, until it was too much for my stomach. It couldn’t handle it anymore and I lent forward as far as I could go, letting my stomach empty as much content as it could to try and help me regain some control back to the room, but when I sat back up, the room was only spinning faster as my headache continued to strengthen.

Tears were now streaming down my face, dripping into my lap. I could feel myself losing my grip on consciousness, but I didn’t mind. The longer I’m unconscious, the more time my body has to defeat this headache.

And then, a very strange feeling happened. My head felt both light and heavy at the same time. It was trying to send me to sleep, but at the same time, I was soaring through the clouds.

That strange mixture of feelings plaid havoc with my stomach once more and I was forced to lean over and let my stomach do its business. My throat stung as my stomach’s acid burned it.

I can’t take this anymore. I need help. I can’t…

Help me. Somebody, anybody. Help me.

I closed my eyes, and a miracle started to happen. With my eyes shut, I couldn’t see the room spinning, which settled my stomach, and somehow, calmed my headache down, but only by a bit. I couldn’t believe it. All I had to do was close my eyes and it would disappear. I started to relax my body, allowing any built up pressure to fly away, and my headache to evaporate sluggishly. I no longer felt lightheaded, nor did I feel heavy-headed either. Whatever had happened to me, is slowly passing. I started to smile.

I didn’t have to say anything to know that I was no longer moot. I could talk again. As soon as I’ve fully recovered, I’ll let the first person who comes to collect me know what I’ve just experienced and maybe they’ll be able to tell me what happened. I’ve never felt anything like it before, and I would do anything to prevent it from happening again. Did Dr Amanda inject me with anything? There’s always the possibility. Will she expect me to recover or will she expect something else. Should I confront her? Only if I can guarantee that she won’t do the same thing to me again, and because I can’t, I had better not.

After a while, my headache eventually went away. It was about time to open my eyes.

And when I did… Hell was revealed.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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