Tuesday 20 March 2018

The Watch – Part 247:

(Tom’s perspective)
I’m just sitting here. At least I’ve gotten this far. All I need to do now is one final push and then I’ll be golden, then I can relax for as long as I can before things start up again. My hands are shaking uncontrollably, but that does mean they are not broken, which is a good thing if I do say so myself, and my legs and feet are pulsating rapidly now, but that just means the blood is flowing, I think. I don’t know, I just want to get moving again so I’m not sitting here… I was going to say all day, but for all I know it could very well be all night. I haven’t seen or felt any sunlight in a long time.

I wouldn’t mind stepping outside for a few moments, just to get some fresh air in my system and some sunlight beaming on to my skin, allowing my cells to absorb as much vitamin D as possible. I shouldn’t think about the outside world whilst I’m stuck in here because I’m only going to make myself worse, and I don’t think I want that to happen.

I haven’t thought about Sebastian ever since I got here, nor have I about Amy, but I still believe that Sebastian is coming to get me and that Amy is OK. I do wonder where Amy went when we split. What Universe she went to? I may have already asked this question before, I simply cannot remember nor do I care frankly, because these thoughts are my painkillers, but what are the chances of Amy ending up in the same world as I am in now. If she is, where is she? What is she doing? But if she isn’t in the same world, and she is in a far off universe, and in which case I hope that she is OK. She is a survivor. I can imagine that she would have felt more or less the same feelings and realisations as I did about discovering she is in another universe. Or maybe Amy is having fun. Maybe her universe is the best place to be right now. All I can do is guess. It’s impossible to decide upon a definitive answer.

I wonder what Sebastian is doing right now. What is he doing to help himself find us, how many universes he’s been to in search for us, how many people he’s met, how many different worlds he’s been to? I know that he’s only doing that because of the wrong reasons, but if any other contexts, that would be an immense adventure. The greatest adventure even. Maybe I could persuade him to take me to some of those places he visited. Or maybe I would like to do nothing except crash on the sofa for months on end, sleeping. Travelling across the many universes, meeting new people, discovering new worlds, learning new rules and cultures is extremely tempting and fun to think about because there are so many possibilities, when I get back home, all I wouldn’t mind doing is staying in one place for a while. I would like to stay in my home universe for a period of time, and spent time with Alex.

I wonder what Alex is doing right now. Is she wondering where I am? Is she missing me, or does she not care less where I’ve gone to? I can’t say, but all I know is the moment that I set foot back home, I will be going straight up to Alex and giving her the biggest hug ever. All I want to do is say that I am sorry for abandoning her and then, if she wants, I will explain everything there and then about what happened, about Sebastian and the watch, about the life she’s unintentionally gotten herself into, and then I will wait for her response, and I will respect whatever she deems is necessary. If she wishes to leave me to never darken my door again, then I will go with her.

I know what I will be leaving behind, but I cannot bare to see the back of Alex. Am I getting desperate? I hope I’m not, but I can’t be too sure. When I get a chance, I need to sit down and really think about what I want to do next.

Maybe Sebastian would be able to help me with deciding, as well as Amy. I know they’ll say something that will help me. They always do. But then again, all they’ll be able to say is advice, not definitive answers. Those will have to be made by me and me alone, which is OK, but may take a few days for me to build them.

But I can’t do any of that if I’m stuck in here. I’ve had enough. I need to get out of here and now, but I’m still in so much pain. What is it with all my buts? I shouldn’t be constantly generating so many counterarguments, I should just do it and get on with it. But what if it backfires? I won’t know if it will if I don’t do anything. That’s a good answer, I might use that if someone use asks that question. I would like to see them get out of that one.

Come on, then, let’s get us off the ground and sitting on that bed. Once there, I can form some sort of a plan to get out of here. How am I going…. That question doesn’t matter until I’ve gotten myself off this ground.

Come on, then, up we get. This is going to hurt, but hey, no pain no gain right. I think that phrase comes with many inaccuracies, but it’s the best phrase I have at this point in time, so I shall honour its code and get myself off this ground.

I should do it quickly and in one movement, that way I won’t stop midway and cause any unnecessary pain.

On a count of three.

One. Two. Three.



Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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