Saturday 24 October 2015

Character Profile: The Watch

Now, I know what you are thinking: How can a technological device be classed as a character?  The capabilities that the watch can achieve is astronomical to say the least. Within its operating system, an A.I. who is designed to help whoever owns the watch at the time, but only when he/she asks for it. It's hard to describe something so mysterious, it's almost unnecessary to create a profile about it, but a vague explanation would suffice nonetheless. The watch has a massive array of features that allows the owner to do anything they wants, it's just a matter of finding those certain features within it's vast amount of menus. The moment the owner puts the watch on, it attaches itself to them, becoming a part of them. The owner does have a choice as to whether they want to keep it on or not, but who wants to deny that kind of power anyway?
When Sebastian finds the watch, it changes his life forever. For better or for worse is down to him alone and not the watch. It's power may give off the impression that it is manipulating the owner to do whatever, however or whenever, but it's all down to temptation to do just that, which makes those actions a choice and nothing but.
As the story progresses, Sebastian will learn about how the outside world and beyond works, and the many mysteries surrounding the watch, including how it works and what he can do with it. The biggest question of then all, however, is whether he was chosen by it or someone, or he merely stumbled across it by a serious of coincidences?

This is the last of the character profiles before I move onto the first part of the story. There are many more characters that I would quite happily sit down and write about, but I feel it would be better if you only know the main four as the other character's involvement and personalities can increase and develop naturally and gradually. These other characters include: Sebastian's, Amy's and Tom's parents, an enemy and many others.

I hope to see you there.

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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