Saturday 25 February 2017

The Watch – Part 155:

When Onto Apocalypse had finished with their set, the second band, Dominant Lord, came on and took their places. They then sung these three songs:

Growing their power, becoming equals

Verse One:
Does what it wants, never giving us a chance to escape and prove ourselves
In the mist, dark figures move and twist 
I believe my destiny is something big; can you help me in the right direction


Give it to people who need it; growing their power, becoming equals
No escape
I have the fire I have the force

Choir starts to chant

Verse Two (With backing vocals):
Create louder noise
As the war machine keeps turning 
Being under its control, unable to think for myself, losing my soul for its gain
'Cause you're under the blade, ohh

Choir finishes chanting
Music including guitar solo

Chorus X2:
Give it to people who need it; growing their power, becoming equals
No escape
I have the fire I have the force



Leave me along, (Procrastination); it’s infectious
Verse One:
Use it to think clearer
Oh lord yeah! 


Let him who hath understanding recon the value of the future 
Is there a reason for why I am here?
Sacrifice is all I can do to move forward


Verse Two:
Not achieving what I told myself to do
You’re growing stronger
Messages from the past, giving me directions to where I should have gone
The evil face of forethought that twists my mind and brings me to despair 

Let him who hath understanding recon the value of the future
Is there a reason for why I am here?
Sacrifice is all I can do to move forward

Guitar solo
Guitars fade away; drum solo
Music resumes

Verse Three:
Not achieving what I told myself to do
Understanding you is my destiny
Messages from the past, giving me directions to where I should have gone
For it is a worry we all have


Verse Four (same as verse 2 but sung by choir):
Not achieving what I told myself to do
You’re growing stronger
Messages from the past, giving me directions to where I should have gone
The evil face of forethought that twists my mind and brings me to despair


Chorus (with choir):
Let him who hath understanding recon the value of the future
Is there a reason for why I am here?
Sacrifice is all I can do to move forward



The Curse of the Warped Knife

Choir starts chanting
Orchestral music starts
Music starts

Verse one:
Supernaturally possessed, under the spell of the blade
Join the queue, feel the time tick away
The crowd is waiting

Choir stops chanting
Orchestral music stops

Find a way out before it consumes me forever
Blinded by me, it can't see a thing
Never giving up without a fight
Now here it comes that glistening light

Music stops for a beat; orchestral music resumes
Choir resumes chanting
Music resumes

Verse two:
Touch the silver, see the sights
Discover their meanings, uncover the truths
How many more before you?
Can you stop it before anybody else?

Choir stops chanting
Orchestral music stops

Find a way out before it consumes me forever
Blinded by me, it can't see a thing
Never giving up without a fight
Now here it comes that glistening light

Choir resumes chanting
Orchestral music resumes
Guitar solo

Chorus (sung with choir):
Find a way out before it consumes me forever
Blinded by me, it can't see a thing
Never giving up without a fight
Now here it comes that glistening light

Music stops
Choir starts fading out
Orchestral music till end


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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