Saturday 6 May 2017

The Watch – Part 172:

Now that I’m not being affected by all the soundwaves, I only now know just how many were pounding at my eardrums. This place is now so quiet; I am able to think so much more clearly. I breathed a sigh of relief the moment that my thoughts came back to me. I felt as relaxed as I could be in this situation.

I remember exactly where I was before all the soundwaves starting confusing me. I was just on the other side of that building. I was in a new place all along. Funny that. Now, if I’m on the other side of that building that means the road that I was ‘chased’ down is there as well, which means that the door is in – I spun around on my heels – that direction.

In front of me were an array of huge buildings. Some short but wide, others tall but thin. All I have to do is just keep going straight and true. I don’t have to worry about… Hang on. If this is a holographic city, and I proved that by falling through a door because I believed I would smash my shoulder against it, then how did I push open the door back there with both my hands? Am I missing something? The soundwaves were messing with my head at that point, so I could have hallucinated pushing the door open when instead I actually walked straight through it. A theory that I must test now before I get myself tangled up in another mess.

I spun around and walked back towards the double doors that I stepped out of and pressed my left hand up against and sure enough, it went straight through it. It was all just in my head. That makes life so much easier; all I have to do now is walk forward, without worrying about weaving my way through buildings and getting lost. I can just walk straight through the walls.

Sounds too easy? Maybe. Is the catch easily detectable? I spun around to have another good look at the landscape behind me and came to the conclusion that if there is a catch, it will only ever show itself when I’m in the middle of that lot, and not before. If I’m correct, and I really hope that I am, the door is just behind those buildings. If I keep to a straight course, then I should be able to detect anything that may be hidden within. As much as I have to remain inconspicuous about using my watch, I’m getting closer and closer towards Amy and Tom and if I get the chance, any chance at all, I will take it and use my watch against him. I will not let this continue for any longer than necessary.

What’s on the other side of that door? I have no idea. Probably another challenge. Did he say three challenges or five?

I only have one more chance remaining. That single chance has to see me through to the end. If I have two more challenges after this, then so be it. He is throwing everything he has at me to try and make sure that I don’t use my watch, test me to my very limits, beyond breaking point. I will not allow him to win. I have never felt determination like this before. The last time something similar was back when I fought Magician. He unintentionally helped me find grow stronger, help me combat my demons inside. If it wasn’t for him, I would still be worrying more than I should be, a nervous wreck, hesitating at every decision that came my way. Now, I’m someone new. I made a promise to myself that I will do whatever it takes to win for as long as I don’t do anything too over the top. I made that promise with the intention of keeping it, and I will do that. Right here, right now.

And whilst I have been reminding myself of that promise yet again, I have been walking forward and through the walls of the buildings, making my way towards the door. I have been keeping a close eye on everything around me, making sure that I’m prepared for anything that may attack me or surprise me in a new, strange way. I’m pleased to say that nothing as of yet has happened, but I must always be vigilant, every step of the way.

I cannot describe what it feels like walking through holographic walls, because there are no feelings. The walls may flicker as I step through, but apart from that, there is nothing to say about them. Although, I have to say that they are incredibly detailed. I mean, a lot of work has gone into making this appear to be realistic, and complete with all those soundwaves, you really do have an experience like nothing before. It’s such a pity that a genius invention has to go to waste by making people feel uncomfortable.

There it is. At last. The door. And there is the key, sitting, waiting patiently for someone to turn it to open the lock. The door that separates me from this challenge and the end. When this challenge first started, I never thought I would be getting here in such a short amount of time. I thought that this would take ages, seemingly forever, but no, it has ended. I’m about to leave this place for good.

‘Congratulations,’ he said, ‘you’ve completed the challenge.’ He didn’t sound best pleased. ‘I have to say that you did defy my expectations and completed it in a much shorter time frame than I had predicted, but nevertheless, you’re at the end. I do have a few questions as to how you did complete the challenge in such a short amount of time, though. I mean, you did just beat every record everyone else has ever done before you.’ I knew it. Why had I even convinced myself that it would work?

‘But I’m not going to ask them,’ he said. What is playing at? ‘Instead, I’m just going to let it slide and let you continue onwards to saving your friends. When you are ready, you may leave.’

‘Is that it?’ I questioned. ‘You’re not going to do anything, ask anything, prolong the challenges, anything at all. You’re just going to let me continue.’

‘Yep,’ he said.

‘Even though you have a bunch of questions that you need answering.’

‘You can fill me in with the answers later on,’ he said matter-of-factly.

I don’t understand. I’ve never understood any of this from the very beginning. One minute he’s asking a bunch of questions, threatening to hurt my friends if I don’t answer truthfully, and the next he’s not bothering. I have never known anyone to be so, all over the place in all my life.

I stepped towards the door, place one hand on the key, and waited a couple of seconds for anything to happen. I slowly turned the key, again, waiting for anything to happen. A loud click echoed around the room signalling that the door was unlocked. I heard something power down and when I turned my head to look over my shoulder, I found that the holographic city had been turned off. I pushed the door open. There was just an empty room behind me. Dark and bland.

I stepped through.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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