Tuesday 23 May 2017

The Watch – Part 177:

The second holographic enemy was already spawning before I had the chance to stand up. From the looks of it, it wouldn’t be as big as the dragon was. If anything, it appeared to be human-like shaped. As it was spawning, I communicated with Interface in my head once more and requested that he gives me the ability to stay energetic without getting tired.

Immediately, the achiness in my legs went away, my breathing died down to a normal level; I had all the energy that I needed to stand on my feet for as long as necessary. In fact, I felt so pumped full of energy that I practically jumped up onto my feet. I could quite easily run laps around this room now without breaking a sweat. Awesome. But I shouldn’t get cocky. I should remain level headed.

I’m waiting for my second enemy to spawn in completely. It was indeed a person. This person was wearing a set of gold armour. A knight of some sort, maybe? There has to be more to this person that meets the eye. A single knight after battling a dragon. The second wave should be harder than the first.

Actually, in a way, it does make sense. It’s always a knight that slays the dragon, which means the knight is more powerful than the dragon. Oh, that’s clever. The second wave is me battling the knight that would have slain the dragon, thus I’m up against a harder enemy. That’s very clever, and efficient.

And then the spawning in was complete. Standing in front of me, sword in hand, a gold plated armour-wearing knight. Its helmet had two horns, one on each side. Its chest plate had that look about it of being very heavy and very tough to break. In fact, the knight’s entire armour was thick and would have been very hard to break through if I had to actually fight it, but instead I’ve merely got to get away from it as much as possible.

It’s obvious what the knight is going to do and I have no weapon. Well, I successfully defeated a dragon, a single knight can’t be that difficult. Don’t get cocky. Remain level-headed.

It would be handy if I did have my very own sword just in case of any close encounters, but unfortunately, being a hologram, I won’t be able to pick it up, and from the way my hand is, I doubt I would be able to use it that well anyway. I just have to find that button to turn him off as fast as possible.

I turned my head to where the button was last time and saw that it had retracted into the wall. I think I have this figured out: A button will appear in a random place at any time during the battle and it will be a 50/50 chance whether it is active or not.

The knight raised its sword above its head, ready to advance. If this is an accurate simulation, then its armour would slow it down. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case at all. Because I was trying to work things out, I unintentionally waited until he started running. He was blisteringly fast. Faster than I had time to react properly. His sudden appearance, looming over me made me jump out of my skin, nearly forcing me on the floor at the same time. He raised his sword into the air once more, getting ready to slice me in half. I dived out of the way, mirroring the actions that I made when dodging the dragon’s claws.

I started to run. I wasn’t running in any particular direction, I just wanted to get away from this knight. But I didn’t get half way across the room before he appeared out of nowhere, right in front of me, for the second time. I nearly ran into his sword, only just slowing down before my chest collided with the tip. I started running in the opposite direction, but the moment I turned around, there he was, right in front of me, swinging his sword down. I dived out of the way the instant it hit the ground, creating a series of sparks and clanging noises. If I had a sword, I might be able to disarm it, but I don’t and so will have to just rely on running, which isn’t that helpful, to be honest. If that button could appear, and an active one, that would be nice. Any second now would be nice. Preferably right this very moment, but I’m not one for rushing…

I might not be running out of energy any time soon, but that doesn’t stop me from nearly tripping over my own feet from trying to out manoeuvre the enemy. I swear I’ve pulled many muscles in my stomach from twisting and turning this way and that, going as fast as I can without making a horrible mistake. I really hope that I don’t forget to repair my body before turning off my ability to not feel pain as that would mean for a heck of a bad time.

Why am I thinking about after this battle when I should be thinking about the battle? That minute amount of distraction caused a lot of problems. The knight appeared right in front of me for yet another time. Due to my thinking of other things, I couldn’t slow down fast enough. The sword’s tip neared my chest. I tried everything I could to move my body out of the way. I’m going to lose this battle all because of a stupid mistake. I threw myself down onto the ground. I landed on my arm in the wrong way. I didn’t hear a snap, but it was obvious that it would have hurt immensely. Great, my arm may be out of commission as well, but if I’m not careful, I’ll be out of commission as well. The knight saw that I had tried to dodge his sword by throwing myself onto the ground and swung his sword down. I was in the wrong position to roll out of the way quick enough.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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