Saturday 20 May 2017

The Watch – Part 176:

I’m back at square one. That switch was a dud. The dragon is still active, and is not going to stop until it has taken me out. My fingers are broken; bent in a way they were not designed to be bent.

I’m rather glad that this dragon doesn’t have the ability to fly as that would add so many complications to the matter, yet at the same time I’m wishing it did have the ability to fly as when it leaves the ground, it would give me much more space to run wherever I need to go. Instead, I’m stuck navigating the outer walls, dodging the dragon’s claws and fireballs and its tail.

How I haven’t been hit yet is beyond my understanding. By now its fireballs should have wrapped around me or its claws slicing through my body, yet nothing has happened and I really cannot fathom how. I shouldn’t grumble, the least amount of action is better for me as that will allow me to win more easily and quickly.

I dodged one of its claws once more, turning on the spot as I twirled away. It went in for another attack, but I was able to duck and spin until I slammed against yet another wall. I have now successfully navigated the entire room, and now sign of a working switch. My eyes keep snapping towards the one on the back wall, but I know that is useless.

The dragon had now performed a 180 and is facing directly at me, getting ready to throw another fireball in my direction. My best option at this point is to run back to where I started. I should be able to get there before the dragon realises that I’m gone and hunting me once more. It did before, so why shouldn’t it now.

‘Here goes nothing,’ I said to myself as the third stream of fire hell-bent on engulfing me ran straight for me. I ran as fast as I could, nearly tripping over my own feet as did so since they simply weren’t ready to move. I’ve worn them out from running so much during the previous challenge and now. They need a rest, but I’m forcing them to keep going. I know there’s more than enough energy left in my body to keep my legs and feet going for as long as I need them to, but it’s only a matter of finding it before it’s too late.

Somehow, I made it to the other end. The dragon’s angry tail nearly took me out, but I managed to quickly bend over backwards to let it sway over me. Standing up straight, I took the next few minutes for the dragon to realise where I’ve gone and turn around to face me once more.

I studied my broken hand before moving on. The damage was quite severe. My forefinger was snapped in two, my ring finger was bent so far backwards it stayed there, and my little finger only appeared to be popped out of its socket. My hand was now useless and out action. Now this is something that I can’t repair and hide without him noticing. I will just have to keep my hand this way, and that may cause some serious difficulties further on.

Something caught my peripheral vision and my eyes naturally snapped towards it. Could it be? I don’t believe it. It actually is. Another switch. I looked at the dragon: It had worked out where I am and is turning around to face me. I had better act quickly. Pushing myself forwards with everything that I’ve got left, I ran towards the second switch.

Nearly there. Only a few metres to go. The dragon completed turning around and readied to launch a fresh attack. If this switch is a dud, then I really will be stuck in the corner with nowhere to run.

Less than a couple metres to go. I’m so close. I stretched out my hand to decrease the distance that much more.

Yes. I slammed into the switch. I heard a satisfying click as it receded into the wall. I turned around to face the dragon, making sure that the button was still pressed in and sure enough, it started to fade away. I had won. I had defeated a dragon.

‘Pity,’ he said, ‘I was expecting a bit more out of that dragon. Oh well, I guess it’s all down to the luck of the draw. Maybe the second wave would be better.’ My legs gave way and I slumped to the ground, breathing hard. I couldn’t continue.

‘Don’t say you’re giving up already,’ he said.

‘Can I at least have a rest first,’ I said.

‘You can,’ he said matter-of-factly, ‘but then you would let your enemy win far too easily, and where would be the fun in that,’ he chuckled annoyingly. Why did I even ask to have a rest if I knew that he wouldn’t agree to it? This is to test my endurance and to see whether I can look after myself without the use of the watch.

But I said that I don’t care about his stupid testing because of why I am here in the first place. I’m going to use my watch to give me all the energy I need to keep going.


Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson

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