Wednesday 11 November 2015

A Two Minute Silence

Today marks the end of the First World War, and we celebrate that through paying homage to all the men and woman who gave their lives fighting for our country via a two minute silence, known as the armistice at exactly 11 O'clock. Across the country, and even the world, for two minutes, the entire country comes to a complete standstill, reflecting on what happened and paying their respects to those that fought in the war during those four terrifying years.
The Fist World War began on July 28th 1914 and ended on the November 11th 1918. Four grueling years of continuous fighting, people losing their lives for their country, day after day, year after year, it really was a war to end all wars, shaking the entire world. It's hard to imagine what it would have been like in the trenches. We may see the pictures and watch the videos, only giving us a visual representation of that life, but unable to give us the true feelings, something that many a men wish to never feel again.
I have an endless supply of respect for everyone who was in the war for our civilisation wouldn't be the way it is now if it weren't for them. They single-handidly changed the world, and that deserves nothing less than a thought or two during a moment of silence.

Thanks for reading
Antony Hudson


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